Articles of association December 2010
December 02, 2010 13:39 ET | Satair A/S
New articles of association following the issue of new shares in connection with the exercise of share options. ...
Satair udsteder nye aktier i forbindelse med udnyttelse af tegningsoptioner
December 02, 2010 09:17 ET | Satair A/S
Satair A/S har i dag den 2. december 2010 gennemført en forhøjelse af aktiekapitalen med nominelt 20.000 DKK som følge af udnyttelse af tegningsoptioner (warrants). Forhøjelsen af aktiekapitalen...
Satair A/S to issue new shares in connection with the exercise of share options
December 02, 2010 09:17 ET | Satair A/S
Satair A/S has today, December 2, 2010, effected an increase of the share capital by a nominal amount of DKK 20,000 as a consequence of the exercise of share options. It is expected that the share...
Vedtægter oktober 2010
November 10, 2010 10:20 ET | Satair A/S
Nye vedtægter som følge af registrering af bestyrelsens udnyttelse af bemyndigelse til at udstede warrants (aktietekningsoptioner). ...
Articles of association October 2010
November 10, 2010 10:20 ET | Satair A/S
New articles of association following the board of directors' resolution to exercise its authority to issue warrants. ...
As of 10 November 2010
November 10, 2010 09:31 ET | Satair A/S
Trading by insiders in Satair share ...
Pr. 10. november 2010
November 10, 2010 09:31 ET | Satair A/S
Insideres handel med Satair aktier ...
1. kvartal 2010/11
November 10, 2010 01:59 ET | Satair A/S
Kort om 1. kvartal 2010/11 • Omsætning: 88,9 mio. USD (32%, bidrag fra tilkøb 12%) • Bruttoavanceprocent: 21,0 (20,5) • EBITDA: 8,9 mio. USD (4,8 mio. USD) og EBITDA-margin: 10,1% (7,2%) •...
Q1 2010/11
November 10, 2010 01:59 ET | Satair A/S
Q1 2010/11 at a glance: • Revenue: USD 88.9 million (32%, contributed by acquisition: 12%) • Gross margin: 21.0 (20.5) • EBITDA: USD 8.9 million (USD 4.8 million) and EBITDA margin: 10.1% (7.2%) •...
Vedtægter oktober 2010
November 02, 2010 12:10 ET | Satair A/S
Satair A/S - Vedtægter oktober 2010 ...