AS "Staburadze" neauditēts konsolidētais 2006. gada 12 mēnešu finanšu pārskats
February 28, 2007 10:50 ET | Staburadze
AS "Staburadze" neauditēts konsolidētais 2006. gada 12 mēnešu finanšu pārskats ir ieejams Rīgas Fondu biržas mājas lapā: (Tirgus informācija/Baltijas Brīvais...
JSC "Staburadze" non-audited consolidated 12 months financial report 2006 (in Latvian)
February 28, 2007 10:50 ET | Staburadze
JSC "Staburadze" non-audited consolidated 12 months financial report 2006 is available on Riga Stock Exchange web page: (Trading info/Baltic free list/RRA1R/reports) or here:...
Brief professional history of the candidates for the Council of AS Staburadze
February 26, 2007 08:40 ET | Staburadze
1.Juris Jonaitis, Chairman of the Board for AS Laima and AS Staburadze from 2000 to 2007, Council Member for subsidiaries of these companies, has obtained an MBA degree at Riga Business Institute....
AS Staburadze padomes locekļu kandidātu īsa profesionālā biogrāfija
February 26, 2007 08:40 ET | Staburadze
1.Juris Jonaitis, Valdes priekšsēdētājs AS Laima, AS Staburadze no 2000. -2007.gadam, padomes loceklis komercsabiedrības meitas uzņēmumos. Ieguvis MBA, Rīgas Biznesa institūtā. 2.Daumants Vītols...
Akcionāru sapulces lēmumprojekti
February 23, 2007 08:14 ET | Staburadze
Apstiprināti AS „Staburadze” valdes sēdē 2007.gada 23. februārī un izskatīti AS „Staburadze” padomes sēdē 2007.gada 23. februārī Akciju sabiedrības „Staburadze” 2007.gada 12.marta ārkārtas...
February 23, 2007 08:14 ET | Staburadze
Approved in the meeting of the Management Board of JSC „Staburadze” on February 23, 2007 and reviewed in the meeting of the Supervisory Board of JSC “Staburadze” on February 23, 2007 DRAFT...
Announcement of inclusion of the additional item in the Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Staburadze”
February 22, 2007 10:21 ET | Staburadze
The Management Board of joint stock company “Staburadze” (registration number: 40003012482, legal address: 55 Artilerijas iela, Riga, Latvia, LV-1009) announces that on the request of the...
Paziņojums par papildu jautājuma iekļaušanu akciju sabiedrības “Staburadze” ārkārtas akcionāru sapulces darba kārtībā
February 22, 2007 10:21 ET | Staburadze
Akciju sabiedrības “Staburadze” (vienotais reģ. nr. 40003012482, juridiskā adrese: Artilērijas iela 55, Rīga, LV-1009) valde paziņo, ka 2007.gada 12.martā sasauktās AS “Staburadze” ārkārtas...
Par finanšu pārskatu iesniegšanas termiņiem
February 13, 2007 09:38 ET | Staburadze
Staburadze 13.02.2007 Par finanšu pārskatu iesniegšanas termiņiem Ar šo AS Staburadze paziņo, ka komercsabiedrības 2006.gada nerevidēti...
February 12, 2007 09:14 ET | Staburadze
Riga Stock Exchange 12.02.2007 A JSC “Staburadze” insider reports sale of shares SIA „Nordic Food”, a JSC “Staburadze” insider, on...