2020. aasta II kvart
2020. aasta II kvartali ja 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
August 31, 2020 04:42 ET | Trigon Property Development
Trigon Property Development AS tegeleb kinnisvaraarendusega. 30.06.2020 seisuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 21 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Eestis....
Unaudited financial
Unaudited financial report for the second quarter and 6 months of 2020
August 31, 2020 04:42 ET | Trigon Property Development
The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 30.06.2020, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 21 hectares in...
Aktsionäride korrali
Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused 18.06.2020
June 18, 2020 05:33 ET | Trigon Property Development
AS Trigon Property Development (registrikood 10106774) aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek toimus 18. juunil 2020.a. Tallinnas, Pärnu mnt 18. Üldkoosolek algas kell 12:00. Üldkoosolekul oli aktsiatega...
Resolutions of Annua
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020 05:33 ET | Trigon Property Development
The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development (registry code: 10106774) was held on June 18, 2020 in Tallinn, Pärnu mnt 18. The Annual General Meeting was opened at 12...
AS Trigon Property D
AS Trigon Property Development korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade ja 2020. aasta I kvartali auditeerimata majandustulemused
May 28, 2020 03:33 ET | Trigon Property Development
                                                                                                                                              AS Trigon Property Development korralise üldkoosoleku...
Notice to Convene th
Notice to Convene the Annual General Meeting of AS Trigon Property Development and unaudited financial report for the first quarter of 2020
May 28, 2020 03:33 ET | Trigon Property Development
Notice to Convene the Annual General Meeting of AS Trigon Property Development The Annual General Meeting of AS Trigon Property Development (registry code: 10106774, address: Pärnu mnt 18, Tallinn...
AS Trigon Property D
AS Trigon Property Development 2019. aasta auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne
April 30, 2020 09:58 ET | Trigon Property Development
30.04.2020 Tallinnas AS Trigon Property Development nõukogu kiitis heaks 30.04.2020 konsolideeritud 2019. aasta auditeeritud majandusaasta aruande koos kasumi jaotamise ettepanekuga. Nõukogu...
Audited annual repor
Audited annual report of Trigon Property Development AS for 2019
April 30, 2020 09:58 ET | Trigon Property Development
30th of April 2020, Tallinn The council of Trigon Property Development AS approved on 30 April 2020 the consolidated audited annual report and profit allocation proposal for the year 2019. The...
Olulise osaluse muud
Olulise osaluse muudatus
March 26, 2020 10:10 ET | Trigon Property Development
Lähtuvalt väärtpaberituruseaduse §-st 186 teavitab  AS Trigon Property Development Group börsi olulise osaluse muutusest.AS-le Trigon Property Development on aktsionärilt laekunud informatsioon...
Change in substantia
Change in substantial shareholding
March 26, 2020 10:10 ET | Trigon Property Development
Pursuant to § 186 of the Securities Market Act, AS Trigon Property Development notifies the stock exchange of a significant holding.AS Trigon Property Development has received information from its...