Teavitus auditeeritu
Teavitus auditeeritud 2021. majandusaasta aruande avalikustamise viibimise kohta
May 02, 2022 07:48 ET | Trigon Property Development
Seoses tehniliste probleemidega viibib AS Trigon Property Development auditeeritud 2021. majandusaasta avalikustamine börsiveebis. Auditeeritud aruanne on kättesaadav Finantsinspektsiooni OAM-is...
Notification regardi
Notification regarding the delay of publishing audited annual report for 2021
May 02, 2022 07:48 ET | Trigon Property Development
Due to technical problems, publishing AS Trigon Property Development audited annual report for 2021 has been delayed on the stock exchange website. The audited annual report is available at the...
AS Trigon Property D
AS Trigon Property Development 2021. aasta auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne
April 29, 2022 09:51 ET | Trigon Property Development
AS Trigon Property Development nõukogu kiitis heaks 27.04.2022 2021. aasta auditeeritud majandusaasta aruande koos kasumi jaotamise ettepanekuga. Nõukogu otsustas juhatuse poolt ette valmistatud...
Audited annual repor
Audited annual report of Trigon Property Development AS for 2021
April 29, 2022 09:51 ET | Trigon Property Development
The supervisory board of Trigon Property Development AS approved on 27th April 2022 the audited annual report and profit allocation proposal for the year 2021. The supervisory board decided to present...
2021. aasta IV kvart
2021. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
February 28, 2022 11:39 ET | Trigon Property Development
Trigon Property Development AS tegeleb kinnisvaraarendusega. 31.12.2021 seisuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 14,29 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Eestis....
Unaudited financial
Unaudited financial report for the fourth quarter and 12 months 2021
February 28, 2022 11:39 ET | Trigon Property Development
The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 31.12.2021, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 14.29 hectares...
Kinnistu müük
Kinnistu müük
February 17, 2022 08:46 ET | Trigon Property Development
17.02.2022.a. sõlmisid AS Trigon Property Development ja Altius Capital OÜ kinnistu omandiõiguse üleandmise asjaõiguslepingu, millega AS Trigon Property Development müüs endale kuuluva mõttelise osa...
Sale of real estate
Sale of real estate property
February 17, 2022 08:46 ET | Trigon Property Development
On 17.02.2022 AS Trigon Property Development and Altius Capital OÜ concluded a real right agreement on sale of real estate property belonging to AS Trigon Property Development. The land sold was a...
Parandusteade: 2021.
Parandusteade: 2021. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
November 30, 2021 12:39 ET | Trigon Property Development
Trigon Property Development AS tegeleb kinnisvaraarendusega. 30.09.2021 seisuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 14,29 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Eestis....
Correction: Unaudite
Correction: Unaudited financial report for the third quarter and 9 months of 2021
November 30, 2021 12:39 ET | Trigon Property Development
The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 30.09.2021, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 14.29 hectares...