Fredag, d. 13. juli 2007 kl. 12.00
June 22, 2007 03:22 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
Selskabet afholder sin 58. ordinære generalforsamling fredag, d. 13. juli 2007 kl. 12.00. ...
Friday 13th July at 12h00.
June 22, 2007 03:22 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
Notice is hereby given that the fifty-eighth Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 13th July at 12h00. ...
June 20, 2007 09:36 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
Selskabet offentliggører hermed sin årsrapport for regnskabsåret afsluttet d. 31. marts 2007. ...
Annual Report
June 20, 2007 09:36 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
The Company hereby announces its annual report for the financial year ended 31 March 2007. ...
Share Capital and Voting Rights
June 01, 2007 04:24 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
The Company hereby announces its Share Capital and Voting Rights. ...
Aktiekapital og stemmerettigheder
June 01, 2007 04:24 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
Selskabet meddeler pr. d.d. sin aktiekapital og stemmerettigheder ...
Ændring i finanskalender 2007
May 31, 2007 08:34 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
Selskabet meddeler hermed, at der er sket ændringer i finanskalenderen for 2007. ...
Change in Financial Calendar 2007
May 31, 2007 08:34 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
The Company hereby announces changes in the financial calendar 2007. ...
U.P.A.L., financial Calendar 2007
January 12, 2007 06:27 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
The Company hereby announces its financial calendar 2007...
U.P.A.L., finanskalender 2007
January 12, 2007 06:26 ET | United Plantations Africa Ltd.
Selskabet offentliggører hermed finanskalenderen for 2007....