Xura, Mitel Mobile 인
Xura, Mitel Mobile 인수와 함께 Mavenir Systems로 새롭게 출범
February 09, 2017 03:10 ET | Xura, Inc.
미국 매사추세츠주 웨이크필드, Feb. 09, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Xura가 2016년 12월 인수에 합의한 Mitel Networks Corporation(“Mitel”)(Nasdaq:MITL)(TSX:MNW) 산하 Mitel Mobility, Inc.(“Mitel Mobile”)와 Ranzure Networks,...
February 09, 2017 03:10 ET | Xura, Inc.
マサチューセッツ州ウェイクフィールド発, Feb. 09, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 2016年12月に、ジューラ (Xura) の関連企業がマイテル・ネットワークス・コーポレーション (Mitel Networks Corporation、「マイテル」、Nasdaq:MITL) (TSX:MNW) の一部門であるマイテル・モビリティ社 (Mitel Mobility,...
Xura在完成收購Mitel Mobil
Xura在完成收購Mitel Mobile後將更名為Mavenir Systems
February 09, 2017 03:10 ET | Xura, Inc.
馬薩諸塞州韋克菲爾德, Feb. 09, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 繼Xura於2016年12月宣佈其附屬公司訂立最終協議以收購Mitel Networks Corporation(「Mitel」)(納斯達克代號:MITL)(多倫多證交所代號:MNW)的分公司Mitel Mobility, Inc. (「Mitel Mobile」)及Ranzure Networks,...
Perusahaan Xura akan
Perusahaan Xura akan berganti nama menjadi Mavenir Systems setelah menyelesaikan akuisisi Mitel Mobil
February 09, 2017 03:10 ET | Xura, Inc.
WAKEFIELD, Mass., Feb. 09, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sebagai tindak lanjut dari pengumuman di bulan Desember 2016 bahwa afiliasi Xura telah menandatangani perjanjian definitif untuk mengakuisisi...
Xura akan tukar nama
Xura akan tukar nama syarikat kepada Mavenir Systems apabila selesai pengambilalihan Mitel Mobile
February 09, 2017 03:10 ET | Xura, Inc.
WAKEFIELD, Mass., Feb. 09, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Susulan pengumuman yang dibuat pada Disember 2016 bahawa sekutu-sekutu Xura telah memeterai perjanjian muktamad untuk mengambil alih Mitel...
Xura to change compa
Xura to change company name to Mavenir Systems upon completion of Mitel Mobile acquisition
February 08, 2017 02:01 ET | Xura, Inc.
Mavenir brand to be showcased at Mobile World Congress 2017 WAKEFIELD, Mass., Feb. 08, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following the announcement in December 2016 that affiliates of Xura entered into...
Solo el 30 % de los
Solo el 30 % de los suscriptores conoce los riesgos que plantean las vulnerabilidades de las redes móviles
December 22, 2016 06:22 ET | Xura, Inc.
WAKEFIELD, Mass., Dec. 22, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Una investigación solicitada por Xura, Inc, proveedor líder de servicios de comunicaciones digitales seguras, ha revelado el grado de...
Apenas 30% dos assin
Apenas 30% dos assinantes estão cientes dos riscos que representam as vulnerabilidades das redes móveis
December 22, 2016 06:22 ET | Xura, Inc.
WAKEFIELD, Massachussetts, Dec. 22, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Uma pesquisa encomendada pela Xura, Inc, uma das principais provedoras de serviços de comunicação segura digital, revelou o quanto...
Affiliates of Xura E
Affiliates of Xura Enter into Agreements to Acquire Mitel Mobile and Ranzure Networks to Create a New Key Player in 5G Ready Mobile Network Solutions
December 19, 2016 06:15 ET | Xura, Inc.
Pardeep Kohli, Co-Founder and CEO of Ranzure Networks, Appointed CEO of Xura and to Serve as CEO of the Combined Company Establishes a pure play in fully-virtualized, 5G ready software solutions...
Only 30% of subscrib
Only 30% of subscribers are aware of risks posed by mobile network vulnerabilities
December 12, 2016 10:00 ET | Xura, Inc.
WAKEFIELD, Mass., Dec. 12, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Research commissioned by Xura, Inc, a leading provider of secure, digital communications services, has revealed the extent to which mobile...