AS “mogo” audited fi
AS “mogo” audited financial statements for the 12 month period ended 31 December 2016.
February 28, 2017 16:26 ET | mogo
Turnover amounted to EUR 10.4 million (14% increase, compared to 2015), EBITDA reached EUR 6.0 million (71% increase, compared to 2015), net profit was EUR 3.0 million (196% increase, compared to...
AS “mogo” finanšu ka
AS “mogo” finanšu kalendārs 2017. gadam.
December 13, 2016 04:41 ET | mogo
Revidēts gada pārskats par 2016. gadu tiks publicēts 2017. gada 28. februārī. Nerevidētā starpperioda saīsinātā finanšu informācija par 3 mēnešu periodu, kas noslēdzās 2017. gada 31. martā tiks...
AS “mogo” financial
AS “mogo” financial calendar in 2017.
December 13, 2016 04:41 ET | mogo
Audited Annual Report for 2016 will be published on 28 February, 2017.  Unaudited interim condensed financial information for the 3 month period ended 31 March 2017 will be published on 28...
CORRECTION: AS “mogo” interim condensed financial information for the 9 month period ended 30 September 2016.
October 21, 2016 09:46 ET | mogo
CORRECTION: The financial results have not been changed, removed references to the International Financial Reporting Standards.  Turnover amounted to EUR 7.5 million (11% increase, compared...
CORRECTION: AS “mogo” starpperiodu saīsinātā finanšu informācija par 9 mēnešu periodu, kas noslēdzās 2016. gada 30. septembrī.
October 21, 2016 09:46 ET | mogo
LABOJUMS: Finanšu rezultāti nav mainīti, izņemtas atsauces uz Starptautiskajiem finanšu pārskatu standartiem. Sabiedrības apgrozījums sasniedza 7,5 miljonus eiro (11% pieaugums, salīdzinot ar...
AS “mogo” interim co
AS “mogo” interim condensed financial statements for the 9 month period ended 30 September 2016.
October 18, 2016 09:40 ET | mogo
Turnover amounted to EUR 7.5 million (11% increase, compared to the same period in 2015), EBITDA reached EUR 4.6 million (115% increase, compared to the same period in 2015), net profit was EUR 2.3...
AS “mogo” starpperio
AS “mogo” starpperiodu saīsinātais finanšu pārskats par 9 mēnešu periodu, kas noslēdzās 2016. gada 30. septembrī.
October 18, 2016 09:40 ET | mogo
Sabiedrības apgrozījums sasniedza 7,5 miljonus eiro (11% pieaugums, salīdzinot ar 2015. gada attiecīgo periodu), EBITDA – 4,6 miljonus eiro (115%  pieaugums, salīdzinot ar 2015. gada attiecīgo...
Paziņojums par izcel
Paziņojums par izcelsmes dalībvalsti
September 06, 2016 09:57 ET | mogo
Ar šo AS “mogo” paziņo par savu izcelsmes dalībvalsti saskaņā ar Latvijas Republikas Finanšu instrumentu tirgus likuma 3. 1 panta 7.1 daļu.  1. Emitenta nosaukums: Akciju sabiedrība...
Announcement of Memb
Announcement of Member State of origin
September 06, 2016 09:57 ET | mogo
With this AS “mogo” informs on its Member State of origin in accordance with Article 3. 1, Part 7.1  of the Law on the Financial Instruments Market of the Republic of Latvia. 1. Name of the...
AS "mogo" ārējā revi
AS "mogo" ārējā revidenta maiņa
September 06, 2016 02:50 ET | mogo
Ar šo AS „mogo” informē, ka ar 2016. gada 29. jūliju mainās tās ārējais revidents. Iepriekšējais ārējais revidents SIA “Deloitte Audits Latvia” ir nomainīts uz SIA “PricewaterhouseCoopers”. Par AS...