NPI’s Mitch Gould Remembers When Amazon Just Sold Books and Now Tops $3,000 Stock Price for First Time
July 22, 2020 11:22 ET | Nutritional Products International
Boca Raton, FL, July 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mitch Gould, founder and CEO of Nutritional Products International, remembers the early days of Amazon.  “I remember when Amazon just sold books,”...
Mitch Gould’s Nutritional Products International Is a 12-Year Veteran at ECRM’s Annual Retail Buyer-Seller Events
July 21, 2020 14:24 ET | Nutritional Products International
Boca Raton, FL, July 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mitch Gould's Nutritional Products International has been introducing health and wellness brands to American consumers for more than a decade. In...
Mitch Gould’s Nutritional Products International Is a 12-Year Veteran at ECRM’s Annual Retail Buyer-Seller Events
July 21, 2020 14:24 ET | Nutritional Products International
Boca Raton, FL, July 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mitch Gould's Nutritional Products International has been introducing health and wellness brands to American consumers for more than a decade. In...
Nutritional Products International Professionals Introduce New Health, Wellness and Beauty Brands to Buyers from Top Retail Outlets in the U.S.
June 29, 2020 15:15 ET | Nutritional Products International
BOCA RATON, FL, June 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ECRM shows are the place where retail buyers learn about new products. This is why Mitch Gould’s Nutritional Products International has been an...
Mitch Gould of NPI Developed “Evolution of Distribution” to Ease Expansion in the U.S by International Health and Wellness Companies
June 26, 2020 10:21 ET | Nutritional Products International
BOCA RATON, FL, June 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mitch Gould knows retail. A third-generation retail professional, Gould, founder and CEO of Nutritional Products International, saw international...
Mitch Gould and Nutritional Products International Welcome Retail Surge in May
June 25, 2020 13:33 ET | Nutritional Products International
BOCA RATON, FL, June 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American consumers are back to buying.  Retail sales in May surged almost 18 percent, making it the biggest single monthly increase in history. ...
Mitch Gould and Nutritional Products International Welcome Strong Economic News
June 08, 2020 13:06 ET | Nutritional Products International
BOCA RATON, FL, June 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American economy received some welcome news last week.  Wall Street investors pushed the Dow Jones to within 5 percent of passing its high...
Mitch Gould and Nutritional International Products See America Reopening for Business
June 02, 2020 08:22 ET | Nutritional Products International
BOCA RATON, FL, June 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- America is reopening for business.  “All across the United States, companies are reopening for business,” said Mitch Gould, founder and CEO of...
Mitch Gould and Nutritional Products International Are Longtime Leaders in Promoting Beverages in the U.S.
May 15, 2020 10:12 ET | Nutritional Products International
BOCA RATON, FL, May 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mitch Gould and Nutritional Products International understand Americans’ thirst for functional and consumer beverages.  “The demand for...
Mitch Gould and Nutritional Products International: Dietary Supplements More Popular Than Ever
May 11, 2020 08:34 ET | Nutritional Products International
BOCA RATON,FL, May 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mitch Gould and Nutritional Products International know dietary supplements. “I have seen the continued consumer demand for dietary supplements for...