Talayuela solar park with sheep
Solar power is the fastest way to reduce Europe’s dependency on Russian gas
October 25, 2022 02:00 ET | Statkraft AS
(Oslo October 25th, 2022) The expansion of solar power in Europe is growing rapidly due to increased renewable energy ambitions and the need to reduce dependence on Russian gas. Statkraft’s Low...
Eolus anställer Head
Eolus anställer Head of Baltics
October 17, 2022 08:30 ET | Eolus Vind AB
Eolus har anställt Inga Abolina som Head of Baltics. Hon tillträder tjänsten den 24 oktober 2022. Inga Abolina är en erfaren ekonomichef med gedigen erfarenhet från energibranschen, inklusive...
Eolus appoints Head
Eolus appoints Head of Baltics
October 17, 2022 08:30 ET | Eolus Vind AB
Eolus has appointed Inga Abolina as Head of Baltics. She will take office on 24 October, 2022. Inga Abolina is an experienced finance manager with a proven track record in the energy industry...
Inbjudan till presen
Inbjudan till presentation av Eolus delårsrapport för andra kvartalet 2022 den 30 augusti
August 23, 2022 05:30 ET | Eolus Vind AB
Hässleholm den 23 augusti 2022 Eolus Vind AB:s delårsrapport för Q2 2022 offentliggörs tisdagen den 30 augusti 2022 klockan 08.30. Klockan 10.00 samma dag hålls en webbsändning med...
Invitation to presen
Invitation to presentation of Eolus Interim Report for the second quarter 2022 on August 30
August 23, 2022 05:30 ET | Eolus Vind AB
Hässleholm, Sweden, August 23, 2022 Eolus Vind AB:s Interim Report for Q2 2022 will be published on Tuesday August 30, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. (CEST). At 10:00 a.m. the same day a webcast with...
  Eolus säkerställer
Eolus säkerställer finansiering om 1 500 MSEK
July 07, 2022 07:30 ET | Eolus Vind AB
Hässleholm den 7 juli 2022 Eolus har tecknat kreditavtal med Swedbank om totalt 1 200 MSEK och utökat kreditavtalet med Svensk Exportkredit. Därmed har bolaget säkerställt finansiering för de...
Eolus secures financ
Eolus secures financing totaling SEK 1 500 million
July 07, 2022 07:30 ET | Eolus Vind AB
Hässleholm, Sweden, July 7, 2022 Eolus has signed credit facilities with Swedbank totaling SEK 1 200 million and increased the credit facilities with Svensk Exportkredit. With these agreements, the...
Statkraft øker farte
Statkraft øker farten i fornybarsatsingen, reorganiserer konsernledelsen for å nå nye vekstmål
June 28, 2022 02:00 ET | Statkraft AS
Statkraft har oppdatert sin strategi fram mot 2030, med nye, mer ambisiøse vekstmål for fornybar energi. I strategien øker veksttakten for sol, landbasert vind og batterilagring fra 2,5-3 GW i 2025...
Statkraft accelerate
Statkraft accelerates renewable growth, reorganises Corporate Management to support new growth targets
June 28, 2022 02:00 ET | Statkraft AS
Statkraft has updated its growth strategy within renewable energy with new, more ambitious targets towards 2030. The strategy increases the annual growth rate for onshore wind, solar and battery...
Bilde av Nellai solpark
Statkraft sin første storskala solpark i India åpnet
May 30, 2022 04:30 ET | Statkraft AS
(Oslo/New Dehli 30.05.2022) Statkraft åpnet i forrige uke sin første storskala solpark i India. Åpningen markerer en viktig milepæl i selskapets ambisjon om å vokse som sol- og vindkraftutvikler i...