President Clinton Should Follow Princess Diana Strategy to Overcome Crisis, Says Media Expert and Author Michael Levine

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31, 1998 (PRIMEZONE) - The country is still reeling from President William Jefferson Clinton's landmark address in which he confessed to "improper" relations with Monica Lewinsky. Though early polls indicate that most people grudgingly accept Clinton's explanation of the events and now desire to move beyond the scandal, they also reveal that people were quite disheartened by Clinton's somewhat angry and curt speech. Instead of being conciliatory, he was accusatory. Instead of apologizing for his conduct, he blamed independent counsel Kenneth Starr. The end result - his job approval ratings are still high, but the Lewinsky controversy continues to rage out of control with impeachment on the lips of many pundits and politicians. How can Clinton put this ignominy behind him and save his presidency?

According to prominent Hollywood media expert and author Michael Levine, who has helped his numerous clients - including Michael Jackson, Nancy Kerrigan, among others - weather difficult media storms, Clinton should learn from none other than the late Princess Diana. In his new book, "The Princess and the Package" (Renaissance Books), Levine demonstrates how Princess Diana overcame personal tragedies by measured involvement with the media - a concept which Clinton has yet to master, according to Levine. Levine noted, "Though Diana was a woman of modest intelligence, she was a savvy media genius who was able to gain and maintain wild media and public support in the face of tawdry personal embarrassments including an eating disorder, an extramarital affair, and a divorce."

When Diana wanted to accomplish personal, political, or charitable goals, she would use her considerable charm and innate media instincts to manipulate the press until they planted favorable stories and helped make her ambitions into reality. For example, when Diana was at a personal low-point - her marriage had failed, and she feared that she would be phased out of her sons' lives by Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth - she gave a confessional and amazingly calculated interview to the BBC. In the interview's wake, the world was so overwhelmingly pro-Diana that the press had no other choice but to follow suit. Levine believes that Clinton would benefit from a similar media catharsis. "Our country wants to forgive him, if he'd only ask," suggests Levine.

The parallels between the President and the Princess are alarming. Michael Levine, who represented the late Dodi al Fayed and is a close friend of Clinton's former personal advisor Dick Morris, is a person with the insight and experience to expertly address how Diana's legacy could rescue Clinton's presidency.

EDITORS' NOTE: To arrange an interview with media expert and author Michael Levine, please contact Sharma burke at (323) 692-9999, ext. 10.

