Logicon Delivers DII COE-Compliant Intrusion Detection Software to Defense Information Systems Agency

HERNDON, Virginia, May 23, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Logicon Inc., a Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) company, has delivered the first intrusion detection software to the Defense Information Systems Agency that is compliant with the Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE).

Internet Security Systems Inc. (ISS) (Nasdaq:ISSX), headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., produced the intrusion detection software, RealSecureTM, which is part of the company's SAFEsuite( enterprise product family. Intrusion detection software strengthens the security of computer networks by quickly detecting cyber-attacks, alerting system administrators and implementing other customer-directed protective responses.

Logicon developed the DII COE-compliant version of RealSecure and is developing DII COE-compliant versions of the other SAFEsuite enterprise products as part of an agreement between the two companies.

"Since 1961, Logicon has provided systems analysis support for U.S. government communications components, and this has given us unique insights into the interdependencies of networked environments," said Greg Swain, director-Information Assurnace, Logicon. "The company specializes in the transition of new information assurance (IA) technologies and solutions into operational environments. The depth and extent of our IA expertise has made Logicon one of the top suppliers of information security to the Federal market."

DII COE is the backbone software infrastructure providing interoperable computer software systems and applications for the Department of Defense (DoD). DII COE software is used for a variety of DoD activities including command, control, communications, computers and intelligence (C4I), logistics, weapons control, navigation, vessel traffic, air defense and mission planning.

Last year, Logicon's Inter-National Research Institute (INRI) subsidiary received a three-year, $47.5 million contract to provide technical support for current and future versions of DII COE. As part of this contract, the company performs architectural design, system engineering, software development and delivery of the core Global Command and Control System (GCCS) and the core Global Combat Support System.

"DII COE compliance is the primary metric for joint interoperability," said Col. Bernal Allen, U.S. Marine Corps and GCCS chief engineer. "It is a critical entrance criteria for integration onto the GCCS baseline of applications, the primary command and control system for the joint warfighter."

"The approval and use of ISS' security management applications in GCCS and other DII COE programs will further protect the information technology assets of the defense community," said Richard Smith, vice president of Federal Operations for ISS. "Our SAFEsuite applications help the defense infrastructure develop sound security strategies that effectively monitor and protect critical online assets."

ISS is the leading global provider of security management solutions for the Internet. By providing industry-leading SAFEsuite security software, ePatrolTM remote managed security services, and strategic consulting and education offerings, ISS is a trusted security provider to its customers, protecting digital assets and ensuring safe and uninterrupted e-business. ISS' security management solutions protect more than 5,500 customers worldwide including 21 of the 25 largest U.S. commercial banks, 10 of the largest telecommunications companies and more than 35 government agencies. Founded in 1994, ISS has offices throughout North America and international operations in Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. For more information, visit the ISS web site at http://www.iss.net.

Logicon, headquartered in Herndon, is a leader in advanced information technologies, systems and services. Areas of expertise include command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR), weapon systems, information systems, training and simulation, science and technology, base and range support, and systems support services.

Internet Security Systems, SAFEsuite, ePatrol, Internet Scanner, System Scanner, Database Scanner and RealSecure are trademarks of Internet Security Systems, Inc. and ISS Group, Inc. All other companies and products mentioned are trademarks and property of their respective owners.

LEARN MORE ABOUT US: Northrop Grumman news releases, product information, photos and video clips are available on the Internet at: http://www.northgrum.com. Information specific to Logicon Inc. is available at: http://www.logicon.com.




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