Gambro: Year-End Report 2001 (with link)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 13, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Gambro:

 -- Group revenues increased 20%
 -- Operating earnings, EBITDA, up 8% with improvements in business
    areas but negative effect from laboratory income and legal 
 -- Cash flow from operations at MSEK 608 (excl currency effect of
    MSEK -619),  driven by improved working capital, selective 
    acquisitions and capital gain
 -- Incl  non-recurring, EPS and CEPS amounted to SEK -1.22 (2.85)
    and SEK 8.50 (13.81) resp.
 -- Dividend proposal SEK 1.10 (1.10)
    ring        Q4             Currency    Full year         Currency
    items   2001   2000 Change adjusted  2001    2000 Change adjusted
 Revenues  7,176  6,143    17%   10%   26,720  22,245   20%      9%
 EBITDA*   1,076    925    16%    7%    4,268   3,969    8%     -2%
  margin   15.0%  15.1%                 16.0%   17.8%            
 EBITDA    1,041    874    19%   10%    3,305   3,983  -17%    -26%

 * Earnings before depreciation and amortization

Fourth quarter highlights:

 -- Strongest quarterly revenue growth in three years, +10%
    currency adjusted.
 -- Product business areas margin improved significantly in the fourth
    quarter, from 16.1% in 2000 to 19.0% in 2001.
 -- Very strong cash flow due to reduction of working capital and
    selective acquisitions. Net debt reduced by MSEK 484.
 -- US revenue per treatment improved by USD 8 to USD 242 due to
    improved payer and treatment mix and ramp up of laboratory
 -- Laboratory issues solved: MSEK 31 settlement of the US Department
    of Justice investigation initiated in April 2001 offset by billing
    of previously unbilled tests and reversal of over-accrued
 -- Conservative approach in Argentina, write-off of all goodwill
    and receivables, MSEK 290.
 -- Capital gain on divestiture of Thoratec shares MSEK 293.

"I'm pleased to see that all Gambro business areas have exceeded market growth. The cash flow has improved positively for the year. We have seen a turnaround in the margin trend for Gambro Healthcare and the product business areas have improved their margins quarter-by-quarter compared to 2000," said Soren Mellstig, Gambro president and CEO.

 Key data, present structure (excluding nonrecurring items)

                                            Q4           Full year
 MSEK                                 2001    2000     2001     2000
 Revenues                            7,176   6,143   26,720   22,245
    depr.                            1,076     925    4,268    3,969
 EBITDA margin, %                     15.0%   15.1%    16.0%    17.8%
 Operating earnings
  (EBIT)                               313     272    1,472    1,569
 EBIT margin, %                        4.4%    4.4%     5.5%     7.1%
 Earnings before
  tax (EBT)                             94     130      704      983
 Earnings per
  share (EPS) SEK (1)                -0.06    0.18     0.39     0.96
 Earnings per share (EPS)
  SEK (1)                           
  including nonrecurring items       -0.03   -0.80    -1.22     2.85
 Cash earnings per share
  (CEPS) SEK (2)                      2.16    2.07     8.50     7.92
 Cash flow from operations (3)         670     587      -11    1,103
 Cash flow from operations
  per share (3)                       1.94    1.70    -0.03     3.20
 Net debt                            9,434   7,275    9,434    7,275

 1) After full tax
 2) Net income plus depreciation and amortization divided by
    number of shares
 3) Cash flow before acquisitions/divestitures and taxes

Fourth Quarter 2001

For the Group, the fourth quarter 2001 revenues were MSEK 7,176 (6,143) corresponding to a growth of 17% (10%*). This represents the strongest quarter in revenue growth in three years. Overall Group revenues developed positively on main markets in Europe and the US as well as on prioritized markets in the rest of the world.

For Gambro Healthcare, revenues grew by 21% (14%*) including good growth in the US and the rest of the world. For Gambro Renal Products, revenues increased by 12% (6%*). Gambro BCT revenues increased by 7% (1%*) due to a general reduction in blood donations towards the end of the year.

The group experienced strong cash flow from operations due to reduction of working capital, selective acquisitions and a positive effect on nonrecurring items. Net debt was reduced by MSEK 484 to MSEK 9,434.

Operating margin, EBITDA, for the Group was 15.0 % (15.1%). The margin was negatively affected by legal and administrative expenses of MSEK 72 related to the subpoena received in June by Gambro Healthcare US and by changed laboratory revenue recognition of MSEK 60 (see section "Other").

The underlying businesses continued to improve their profitability, with higher margins in all business areas compared to the fourth quarter last year. Significantly higher margin was recognized for the product business areas, from 16.1% in 2000 to 19.0% in 2001. Gambro Healthcare continues to show improved performance. The EBITDA margin for Gambro Healthcare reached 14.6%.

In December, Gambro Healthcare Laboratory Services reached a preliminary settlement with respect to the US Department of Justice investigation commenced in April 2001. Under the proposed settlement, Gambro has agreed to pay MUSD 3 (MSEK 31), with no admission of any wrongdoing. In the fourth quarter, some of the previously unbilled laboratory tests provided for in June 2001 were billed and a portion of the expense reserve was reversed. These amounts, totalling MUSD 3 ( MSEK 31), were offset against the settlement.

The economic uncertainty in Argentina has caused Gambro to make a write- off of the remaining goodwill value, MSEK 228, in December 2001. In addition, a provision for receivables not possible to collect amounting to MSEK 62 was also established.

Approximately half of Gambro's holding of Thoratec Corp. shares was divested with a capital gain of MSEK 293 (cash effect MSEK 304).

 Nonrecurring items
                                         Q4            Full year
 MSEK                               2001    2000     2001     2000
 Result from divestitures                                      628
 Provision for repayments of
  lab services                                       -927     -563
 Restructuring GHc, US                      -106              -106
 Reversal of prior provisions         27      55       27       55
 Write-down of fixed assets         -228  -1,379     -228   -1,379
 Write-down of receivables in
  Argentina                          -62              -62         
 Total operating items              -263  -1,430   -1,190   -1,365
 Capital gain on sale of shares      293              293         
 Write-down of shareholdings                -145              -145
 Total financial items               293    -145      293     -145
 Reversal of tax provisions                  917             1,820
 Utilization  of  tax  losses
  carried forward                    102              102         
 Tax on operating and financial
  items                             -122     319      239      342
 Total tax items                     -20   1,236      341    2,162
 Total nonrecurring items             10    -339     -556      652

Year End Report 2001

For the full year, Gambro reported revenues of MSEK 26,720 (22,245), an increase of 20% (9%*). Group revenues developed positively on main markets in Europe, the Americas and on prioritized markets in the rest of the world.

Revenues for Gambro Healthcare were up 25% (12%*), with a gradual improvement in revenue per treatment in the US. Gambro Renal Products revenues increased by 14% (6%*) with a continued good development in Europe, good growth in prioritized areas in the rest of the world as well as continuously increasing internal sales. For Gambro BCT, revenues increased by 18% (7%*) with favorable growth in most markets.

Operating earnings, EBITDA, increased by 8% to MSEK 4,268 (MSEK 3,305 incl. nonrecurring items). Operating margin (EBITDA) for the Group was 16.0% (12.4% incl. nonrecurring items). Earnings, margins as well as revenues have been negatively affected with MSEK 250 by the changed laboratory revenue recognition methodology (see section "Other"). Also, costs related to the subpoena received by Gambro Healthcare in June 2001 had a negative impact on the margin. To date, costs related to the investigation, including legal fees and other costs of collecting the information requested in the subpoena, amount to MSEK 99 (recorded in "Others").

Gambro generated MSEK 2,454 in cash flow before investments, acquisitions and tax. This includes a negative currency effect of MSEK 641 primarily in working capital. It includes MSEK 423 invested in research and development, not capitalized. This cash flow funded investments in capitalized development cost of MSEK 195, investment in tangible and other intangible assets of MSEK 2,169 and investment in acquired technology (Gambro BCT) of MSEK 101, which resulted in a cash flow from operations of MSEK -11 (MSEK +608*).

(*) Currency adjusted


Gambro's overall objectives for the year are to leverage the improved platform for growth and profitability. Focus will also be to define the business model as an integrated service provider and to explore new growth opportunities. The financial objectives for the group in 2002 are to deliver a revenue growth of 8-10%, improve the operating margin trend and further improve cash flow from operations. The financial results on a group level will be affected by costs related to the subpoena in Gambro Healthcare US.

Gambro Healthcare's objective is to have a yearly revenue growth of about 10%, mainly through organic growth, with only a few selective acquisitions and operating earnings growing more than revenues.

The objective for Gambro Renal Products is to achieve an annual increase in sales of 8-10%, with a steady increase in market shares. Increasing volumes and thereby reducing unit costs will further improve profit margins.

The goal for Gambro BCT is to achieve sales growth in excess of 10% in 2002. Long-term growth potential is enhanced by breakthroughs in expansive complementary operations, such as inactivation of viruses and bacteria (PET) and systems for automated separation of manually collected blood. While the profit margins on the new operations may be lower than on Gambro BCT's current core business, the growth potential is substantial.

Market Development

The renal care market is characterized by a stable year-on-year increase that is essentially unaffected by economic fluctuations. The annual global increase of patients is about 7%, although the growth figures vary widely between different geographic regions. The current growth rate is estimated at 5-7% in Europe, the US and Japan, and around 10% in other parts of the world. The product market is subject to price pressure in the region of 2-3% per year. The total value of the market is approximately 65 billion SEK (6.3 billion USD).

The blood bank technology market is driven by a worldwide shortage of blood and blood components and a constant demand for increased safety in the world's blood supply. The market for blood bank technology, including products for blood collection and blood purification, is approximately SEK 12 billion SEK (USD 1.2 billion) and is growing by 5-6 percent per year.

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The following files are available for download:
 The full year-end report
 The full year-end report

