WM-data Year-End Report for the 2001 Financial Year (with link)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 15, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- WM-data:

 -- Sales for 2001 amounted to SEK 11 975 M (13,125). Excluding Atea,
    which was divested, sales increased by 12 percent.
 -- Operating profit before amortization of goodwill and items
    affecting comparability rose 31 percent to SEK 391 M (298).
    Earnings after net financial items amounted to SEK 11 M (202)
 -- WM-data's financial position strengthened due to a strongly
    positive cash flow.
 -- As part of the task of creating a more focused WM-data, the
    hardware companies Atea and a number of other operations were
 -- Due to weaker demand, an action program was started during the
    third quarter. The program is proceeding according to plan.
 -- WM-data is basing its planning on continued weak demand during
    2002, primarily in Sweden, but profitability is expected to
    improve due to actions taken.

Successful IT solutions are developed through close collaboration between customer and supplier. The result depends on the supplier's expertise, degree of involvement and ability to gain a rapid appreciation of the customer's situation.

WM-data's in-depth knowledge of both the private business sector and public sector administration is based on more than 30 years experience and a wide range of assignments in the Nordic region. We know how companies and organisations work and what today's IT possibilities are. We can combine this knowledge with our insight into the various information systems and applications to provide the customer with a solution which both supports his business and assists its development.

Our solutions naturally embrace software, hardware, computers, data links and telecommunications as important components of the finished product. But only people can apply knowledge, provide service and take responsibility. Only people can create the final result.

That is why we foster close, long-lasting customer relations. Our aim is to ensure customer satisfaction. If you choose to work with us, you have a long-term partner whose good references are unrivalled. For you this means security. For us it is a guarantee of quality to live up to, irrespective of the size or nature of the assignment.

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The following files are available for download:

 The full year-end report

