If P&C Insurance: Pro Forma Accounts 2001 Including Sampo P&C (with link)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, February 27, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- If P&C Insurance is the leading property & casualty insurance company in the Nordic area with a Nordic market share of 24% and 8000 employees.

After the completion of the merger with Sampo's P&C business on January 2, 2002, If has operations in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and in the Baltic Rim. The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden.

To update the market on the new group financials, If has prepared 2001 full-year pro forma accounts including Sampo P&C.

The pro forma profit and loss statement is prepared on a consolidated Group level for 2001, assuming the merger took place in January 2001, and all transactions on January 2, 2002 relating to the merger are taken into account as of December 31, 2001 in the pro forma Balance sheet.

 Group pro forma highlights   If FY 2001    Sampo          FY 2001
  (MSEK), unaudited                        FY 2001      Consolidated
 Premiums written, gross      25 520        9 211          34 731
 Premiums earned, net         22 237        8 034          30 271
 Claims incurred, net        -20 531       -6 877         -27 409
 Operating expenses           -5 121       -1 694          -6 815
 Underwriting result          -3 415         -537          -3 953

 Investment result, 
  normalized                   2 310        1 309           3 619
 Operating result             -1 549          301          -1 248

 Claims ratio                  92.3%        85.6%           90.5%
 Expense ratio                 23.0%        21.1%           22.5%
 Combined ratio               115.3%       106.7%          113.0%

 Total assets                 60 908       31 674          93 783
 Investment assets            42 080       23 496          65 576
 Net Asset Value               7 433        9 464          18 098

The pro forma consolidated solvency ratio based on risk capital (net asset value + hybrid capital) as of year-end 2001 was 64%.

In the consolidation of the accounts, the Sampo P&C accounts have been converted into Swedish GAAP and If's accounting principles have been applied. A normalized investment return of 5.6% has been applied to the investment asset total, based on If's group investment policy for 2002.

For 2002, the target asset allocation within live business is fixed-income 73%, equities 20%, real estate 3.5% and other 3.5%.

Further technical information can be found in the appendices. Please also see the Sampo 2001 year-end report, available at www.sampo.fi.Appendices

This information was brought to you by Waymakerhttp://www.waymaker.net

The report, along with financial tables, can be found at the following link: www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2002/02/27/20020227BIT00610/wkr0003.xls

