JM: Annual General Meeting

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 19, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Annual General Meeting of JM AB held on April 18, 2002 voted in favour of the Board's proposed dividend of SEK 14 kronor per share. The record date for payment of dividends is Tuesday, April 23 and dividends will be sent to shareholders on Friday, April 26, 2002.

New Board Member

Per Westlund, Per Olofsson, Carl Eric Stalberg, Bjorn Bjornsson, Berthold Lindqvist and Lennart Sunden were re-elected as members of the Board. Elisabet Annell (Partner and senior consultant at SMG Consulting AB, board member of Alfred Berg Fondkommission AB, Axel Johnson International AB, Danderyds sjukhus AB, IBS AB, AB Sardus and TV4 AB) was elected as a new member of the Board.

At the statutory meeting, Per Westlund was elected as Chairman of the Board.

Share Buy-Back Programme

The Annual General Meeting resolved to authorise the Board to acquire and sell the company's own shares. Acquisitions shall be effected on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (Stockholmsborsen) and the company's holding may not exceed 10 per cent of all the shares in the company.

JM AB is a public limited company listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, and is Sweden's leading residential developer. The company has around 2,200 employees in Sweden, Norway and Denmark and an annual turnover of approximately SEK 6 billion. The company's core business is project development of centrally located residential and commercial properties in expansive areas. JM's operations are characterised by a focus on quality and the environment.

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