Stockholmsborsen: Statistics Report the First Six Months 2002

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 2, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Stockholmsborsen:

 -- Total share turnover amounted to SEK 1 574 (2 235) billion, a
    decrease of 30 per cent.
 -- The turnover rate was 124 (139) per cent. 
 -- The total derivative-trading turnover amounted to 29 158 934
    (31 564 563) contracts, a decrease of 8 per cent.
 -- The All Share Index, SAX, closed at 182.7 (239.1), representing a
    fall of - 24 per cent since December 31, 2001.
 -- The number of listed companies amounted to 302 at the end of
    June (31.12.2001: 305).
 -- The number of members amounted to 84 at the end of
    June (31.12. 2001: 84).

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The following files are available for download:
 The full report
 The full report


