Hexagon Receives Increased Volumes at Alfa Laval

NACKA STRAND, Sweden, Sept. 12, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Alfa Laval, that among others are world leaders in heat exchangers, has decided to increase the purchase volumes from their main supplier of heat exchanger gaskets, Gislaved Gummi AB.

The decision means a volume increase corresponding to about 25 MSEK per year, which will be placed at Gislaved, beginning already in September this year.

The production volume will be split between Gislaved's Swedish unit and the unit in Sri Lanka.

This means that Gislaved will further strengthen their position within this niche area, where they already are the global market leaders.

"We see this decision as a confirmation that our focus during the last years on increased capacity and logistic solutions now starts to give results. In the future we also expect to take further market shares within the gasket area" said Lars Olofsson, President of Gislaved Gummi.

Gislaved Gummi is a part of Hexagon Engineering.

For further information, please contact:
Hexagon AB                     
Torbjorn Wistrand, President Engineering
Phone: +46(0)8-601 26 27 

Gislaved Gummi AB
Lars Olofsson, President

Hexagon AB is a multinational engineering group with the long-term ambition of positioning itself as number one or number two within its strategic sectors. The operation is divided into three business areas: Hexagon Automation, Hexagon Engineering and Hexagon Metrology. The group's targets are to increase earnings per share after tax by at least 15 per cent p.a., and achieve a return on capital employed higher than 15 per cent over the business cycle. Current turnover amounts to more than 7 GSEK p.a.

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