Major Shareholders Have Paid Subscribed Shares in Anoto Issue

LUND, Sweden, Oct. 15, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- In the current new share issue of the Anoto Group (Other OTC:AOTOF) (Stockholm:ANOT), Ericsson, the largest shareholder, has subscribed and paid its full share of the new issue.

Four institutional owners, among the major shareholders have, in addition to Ericsson, subscribed or undertaken to subscribe for shares in the new issue (1).

Thus, shareholders corresponding to slightly more than 43 per cent of the share capital have already subscribed or expressed intent to subscribe for their respective percentage of the new issue (1).

"Even before the new issue we received declarations of intent from major shareholders and other investors pertaining to subscription equivalent to approx. 60 per cent of the new issue. It is highly satisfactory that a little more than two thirds of these investors at an early stage of the subscription period are already subscribing or undertaking to subscribe for new shares, thereby expressing faith in the Anoto Group," said Christer Fahraeus, CEO, Anoto Group AB.

The subscription period for the new issue continues until October 24, 2002.

For more information contact:
Christer Fahraeus      Charlotte Laveson
CEO                    Director PR
Anoto AB               Anoto AB
+46-733 45 12 05       +46-733 47 86 20

Anoto Group AB is a Swedish hi-tech company with unique solutions for transmission of handwritten text from paper to digital media, scanning of printed text and intelligent camera surveillance. All products are based on digital camera technology and image processing in real time. The Anoto Group today has three brand names: Anoto(R) - a comprehensive solution entailing paper, pen and server technologies, allowing us to connect all types of writing paper with the digital world, C-Pen(R) - a scanning pen that can store, interpret and transfer printed text, and WeSpot(TM) - a hardware and software platform for intelligent camera surveillance. The Anoto Group has around 300 employees, offices in Lund (head office), Stockholm, Boston, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Major shareholders are Ericsson, Capital Group and the founder, Christer Fahraeus. The Anoto share is traded on the O-list, Attract 40 of Stockholmsborsen (Stockholm Stock Exchange) under the ticker ANOT. For more information:

(1) Certain institutional shareholders have, due to internal rules regarding ownership limitation, until now only been able to subscribe in relation to the total amount subscribed for up to the present time. One of the shareholders having subscribed for a part of its shareholding is Anoto's second largest owner Capital Group, which in writing has stated its intent to subscribe for a total number of shares sufficient to maintain its stake in Anoto.

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