Notice of Annual General Meeting in Micronic Laser Systems AB (publ.)

TABY, Sweden, Feb. 21, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Shareholders in Micronic Laser Systems AB (publ.) (Other OTC:MICLF) (Stockholm:MICR) are hereby given notice to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 5 PM at Nasby Slott, Djursholmsvagen 30, Taby, Sweden


Shareholders, who wish to participate in the AGM, must be recorded in the register of shareholders held by Vardepapperscentralen AB, VPC, (the Swedish Securities Register Centre) by March 14, 2003. Shareholders should also notify the Company of their intention to participate in the AGM in writing to Micronic Laser Systems AB (publ.), Box 3141, 183 03 Taby, Sweden, or by telephone +46 (0) 8 638 54 64, or by e-mail:, no later than 4 PM on Friday, March 21, 2003. When doing so, shareholders should state their name, address, telephone number, personal ID or registration number and number of shares.

Shareholders who are represented by proxy should include a letter of attorney when they notify the Company. Representatives of legal entities will be required to present a copy of a registration certificate or equivalent document which shows who is authorized to sign for the legal entity.

To be entitled to exercise their right to vote at the AGM, shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee through the trust department of a bank or in the name of another nominee, must temporarily register the shares in their own name with VPC. Shareholders must notify their nominee of their intention to re-register their shares well before March 14, 2003, as the re-registration must be completed by this date.

Agenda for the AGM

 1.   Election of Chairman for the AGM.
 2.   Preparation and approval of the list of shareholders entitled to
      vote at the AGM.
 3.   Approval of the agenda for the AGM.
 4.   Election of one or two persons to approve the minutes.
 5.   Consideration of whether the AGM has been duly convened.
 6.   Speech by the President and CEO.
 7.   Presentation of submitted Annual Report and Auditor's Report and of
      Consolidated accounts and Auditor's Report on Consolidated accounts.
 8.   Resolutions
 (i)  on the adoption of the income statements and balance sheets for the
      parent company and the group,
 (ii) on the disposition of accumulated loss in accordance with the
      adopted balance sheet (see below),
 (iii)on the discharge of liability of the Board of Directors and
      Chief Executive Officer for the financial year.
 9.   Approval of fees to be paid to the Board of Directors (see below).
 10.  Election of the Board of Directors (see below).
 11.  Election of auditors (see below).
 12.  Decision on assignment to the Board of Directors to appoint a
      remuneration committee and an auditing committee.
 13.  Proposal on nomination committee.
 14.  Other items of business upon the shareholders' meeting under the
      Swedish Companies Act or the Company's Articles of Association.

Proposed resolutions

8 (ii): Proposed appropriation of accumulated loss The Board of Directors proposes that the accumulated loss, SEK 48,676,919 be carried forward.

9: Proposed remuneration to the Board of Directors Remuneration to the Board of Directors is proposed to amount to SEK 1,275,000 to be distributed between the Directors upon the Board's own decision.

10: Proposed election of Board members Shareholders representing more than 50 percent of the total number of votes are supporting the proposal from the nomination committee of re- election of Millert Carlsson, Hans Fletcher, Bert Jeppsson, Sven Lofquist, Goran Malm, Magnus Ryde, Christer Zetterberg and Lars Ojefors as Members of the Board. No deputy is proposed for election.

11: Proposed election of auditor

The Board of Directors proposes re-election of Authorized Public Accountant Anders Ostberg for a period until the Annual General Meeting 2007.

Micronic Laser Systems AB (publ.)

The Board of Directors

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