Vodafone New Main Sponsor of Sweden's Snowboard and Freestyle Teams

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 21, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Vodafone Sweden (NYSE:VOD) and the Swedish Ski Association (Svenska Skidforbundet) snowboard and freestyle teams are signing a three-year sponsorship agreement that will help to make Swedish action sports into a recognised and familiar sporting concept. The sponsorship agreement covers both Sweden's teams, as well as the nationwide Dream initiative.

The three-year collaboration also includes the Olympic Games in Turin in 2006, which will provide an excellent opportunity for Sweden to win new medals in the international arena. In financial terms, the new collaboration is of course crucial to Svenska Skidforbundet. At the same time, its association with Vodafone Sweden and the latter's strong international brand is also very positive, since it gives the association greater weight and also indicates that winter action sports are now firmly established in the sporting sphere.

"Svenska Skidforbundet's snowboard and freestyle teams are delighted to be collaborating with a major international partner," said Carl-Erik Stalberg, Chairman of Svenska Skidforbundet's board. "This collaboration not only provides an injection of capital, but it will also allow Svenska Skidforbundet to enhance the efficiency of its work with the help of Vodafone Sweden's services, both on the slopes and off them."

The Swedish snowboard and freestyle teams have met with tremendous successes in recent years and the collaboration with Vodafone Sweden will serve to reinforce the position of both teams. But there are also more far-reaching implications. Svenska Skidforbundet will be launching its nationwide initiative known as the "Dream" concept during the autumn. This is a new comprehensive platform that targets young people who are interested in snowboarding and skiing. The collaboration agreement with Vodafone Sweden also includes Dream and will provide Swedish enthusiasts with better opportunities to compete and train. This in turn will generate even more talented Swedish snowboarders and skiers for tomorrow's Swedish teams.

For Vodafone Sweden, the sponsorship initiative offers the company a chance to contribute to the development of two sports that have shown strong growth in Sweden. The company's commitment also allows it to forge new contacts with the younger generation and strengthen its brand within this particular target group.

"Just like snowboarding and freestyle, mobile communication represents freedom, so we see clear links between Vodafone Sweden and the two teams," says Goran Mannerstrale, Director of Consumer Affairs at Vodafone Sweden. "The goal of our collaboration is to help the team to achieve continued success and encourage and promote the sport. At the same time, it is a tremendous opportunity to increase the visibility of our brand and services within a target group that we find both interesting and important."

Apart from exposure on the clothes worn by the teams, Vodafone Sweden's customers will also be made aware of the new collaboration through a series of activities arranged together with the teams as part of the Dream concept. These include opportunities to meet team members and interact with them via Vodafone's services.

The agreement will come into effect on 1 July 2003.

For more information, please contact:

Vodafone Sweden

Goran Mannerstrale, Director of Consumer Affairs Tel.: +46 708 33 18 45, e-mail: goran.mannerstrale@vodafone.se

Svenska Skidforbundet Anders Jonell, Marketing Coordinator Tel.: +46 703 72 20 21 e-mail: anders.jonell@skidor.com

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