Stockholmsborsen: More Stringent Requirements for Listing of Companies

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 26, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- As of July 1, Stockholmsborsen will further sharpen the requirements for the listing of new companies. In formal terms, the new listing requirements will also apply to companies that are already listed on Stockholmsborsen.

The new regulations include:

 - A legal examination prior to listing
 - An information policy covering the disclosure of information 
   to the  stock market
 - A minimum share price ahead of listing
 - Special training for the board of directors, senior executives
   and auditors
 - A board of directors whose composition satisfies the independence

On July 1, 2002, Stockholmsborsen introduced more stringent requirements for companies that wanted their shares listed on Stockholmsborsen. Following consultation with the Association of Swedish Exchange Listed Companies, Stockholmsborsen has now decided to further sharpen its listing requirements. The changes are part of the Exchange's continuous efforts to develop the requirements to which listed companies are subject with the aim of providing the best possible conditions for an efficiently functioning stock market. This is achieved by, for example, satisfying investor needs for information and transparency and increasing the demands with respect to the competency levels of the listed companies. In several respects, the prevailing regulations previously gave rise to opportunities for circumventing the rules; these opportunities have now been removed. To some extent, the new requirements constitute an alignment of the rules and regulations to the standard practices that have gradually been developed within the Exchange Listing Committee, the body that makes decisions regarding the listing of companies on Stockholmsborsen.

In brief, the new requirements entail the following:

 - Prior to its listing, a company must have undergone a legal
   examination conducted by an external lawyer. The Exchange
   Auditor will determine whether the scope, quality and actuality
   of the legal examination is satisfactory.

 - The company's board must have established an information policy
   that includes a section covering the stock market's information
   requirements and how a number of information activities must be
   organized. In ample time prior to the listing, the company must
   have implemented procedures governing how the release of 
   information will be conducted. The company's board must also have
   participated in the preparation of at least one quarterly report.
   The other aspects of the organization for the release of
   information to the stock market must have been in effect for at
   least two quarters and must have been utilized in the preparation
   of at least two quarterly reports, or one year-end report and one
   quarterly report. To some extent, these requirements already

 - On the initial date of listing on Stockholmsborsen, the price of
   the company's shares must be at least SEK 25 each.

 - In connection with Stockholmsborsen's assessment of whether a 
   company qualifies for listing, all board members, senior 
   executives and elected auditors of the candidate company must
   undergo training, arranged by the Exchange, covering the listing
   agreement, listing requirements and insider issues. In the past,
   only parts of the board were subject to the training requirement.

 - The requirements concerning the existence of board members who
   are independent in relation to the company and to major shareholders
   have been clarified and sharpened as follows:
  To ensure that the board can exercise its controlling function in
  terms of how business operations in the company are conducted, not
  more than one elected member of the board may be employed
  operationally in the ongoing business of the company. This applies
  regardless of whether the employee is a regular member or a deputy.

 To ensure that the board can maintain an independent position in
 relation to the company in other respects, the members who are
 independent in relation to the company must account for more than half
 of the elected members of the board.

 To ensure the equal treatment of shareholders, the board must 
 normally include at least two members elected by a general meeting
 and who are independent of the company's major shareholders. These
 members shall be part of the circle of independent board members who
 are independent in relation to the company. At least one of these
 two members must have experience of the requirements to which a 
 listed company is subject.

The listing requirements will become effective on July 1, 2003 with respect to those companies that initiate a listing process after this date. Companies whose shares or depositary receipts are already registered with or listed on Stockholmsborsen at the time the listing requirements become effective will be subject to the following requirements:

 - the composition of the company's board must comply with the
   requirement regarding independence not later than the Annual
   General Meeting in 2004.

 - the company must have adapted to all of the other requirements
   not later than July 1, 2004.

 For further information, please contact
 Anders Ackebo, Head of Listing & Surveillance,  +46 (0)8 405 70 10
 Torsten Ortengren, Head of Listing,             +46 (0)73 079 52 11,
 Stockholmsborsen                                +46 (0)8 405 70 40
 Maria Andark, VP Corporate Communication,       +46 (0)70 597 52 76

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