Wireless Carriers Urge California PUC to Address 909 Area Code Phone Number Shortage

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif., Oct. 29, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Cingular Wireless, Nextel Communications, T-Mobile USA, Sprint PCS and Verizon Wireless (the "Joint Wireless Carriers") are calling on the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) to adopt a plan designed to solve the critical shortage of telephone numbers in the state's 909 area code. The move is necessary to guarantee that California consumers and businesses have their choice of telecommunications services and service providers.

The region covered by the 909 area code includes most of San Bernardino and Riverside counties and is one of the fastest-growing areas in California. It faces a severe phone number shortage, according to all recent studies. The administrative law judge reviewing the situation, the Federal Communications Commission, and the North American Number Plan Administration have all urged immediate action. Each has determined that the remaining available phone numbers in the 909 area code will fail to meet demand in the coming months.

Recent data from the pooling administrator confirms that conclusion. As of October 24, 2003, in the 909 area code, there are eight local calling areas ("rate centers") with no available numbers for assignment, and an additional eleven rate centers with fewer than 10,000 numbers available, far fewer than projections indicate will be needed for consumers and businesses.

Thus, the Joint Wireless Carriers believe that now is the time to act before the situation becomes even more critical. There are no more measures that will significantly extend the life of 909, including the implementation of number portability. Number portability will not provide additional numbers in those areas that are exhausted.

According to the Joint Wireless Carriers, the potential consequences of exhausting the supply of telephone numbers available to consumers and businesses are substantial:

- Consumers will be denied their choice of service providers and/or the ability to obtain new service of any sort; - Competition will be stifled; - Existing carries without numbers to offer consumers in the 909 area will be forced to "close their doors" to new customers; and - Carrier and vendor revenues will decrease, resulting in reduced tax revenues.

In light of the current situation, and in an effort to protect their constituents, various representatives of the local communities in the 909 area code have voiced their support for a geographic "split" of the area code. Although the Joint Wireless Carriers generally believe that an all-services overlay provides the most consumer-friendly and efficient form of relief, they respect the wishes of the local representatives and will support the administrative law judge's draft decision recommending a split, they said in their comments.

