Sex Esteem: "The Girls" Revolution; Author pens 'sex esteem' lessons to celebrate women's evolution

CHICAGO, Oct. 30, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Women are worth more than ever before, says author Jo Mink Dunham, much more. That is to say that their "sex esteem," or value of their gender, has escalated over the last few generations. It is time to celebrate, she says, by identifying the sex esteem lessons women have learned and those that remain unfinished. Dunham's recently released book, from self-esteem to sex-esteem: lessons from the gender evolution of 'the girls' (now available through 1stBooks), details how far female attributes and assets have evolved.

Each advancement is a celebration of its own due to the genre employed. "Sound bite essays," a genre Dunham invented and named, connect historical and pop culture events to gender advancements. These mini essays make for very accessible reading one or more at a time. "No historical or professional education required: this book is for women of all circumstances," Dunham writes.

Some of the lessons are profound; some provide a humorous twist. All of them are empowering. They focus on a variety of subjects including dignity, greatness, romance, love, multitasking and leadership in the workplace. Some of the most important sex esteem lessons are the result of the "second best" gender status of women; women have learned to be more empathetic and more appreciative of diversity. Collectively, the sex esteem lessons are responsible for the higher value of today's woman and will ensure her continued evolution.

The author created the 'sex esteem' concept years ago and first presented it at an international conference on the female gender. As a social worker, Dunham observed the gender evolution of many women struggling to move forward. The sex esteem lessons are a tribute to them. "It is time to celebrate these advancements," Dunham says. Women no longer fit the picture of dependence presented in The Cinderella Complex, a book that defined the gender of "the girls" when the author was first stepping into the work world.

"We need to talk about our evolving sex esteem ... We are no longer waiting for the prince on the white horse to take us away to fairyland ... We can buy our own white horse, thank you," she writes.


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