What Mom Didn't Want Them to Say - New book offers satire and bold observations of everyday life

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- "Have you ever left your car keys in the car?" "Have you ever gone to the mall during the holiday season?" "Have you ever been frisked at a club like you and the bouncer are on a date?" Many can answer "yes" to at least one of these questions, and, therefore, can likely appreciate the everyday, ironic humor that authors Manuel Mayor, Marck Rossy and John Johnson offer in their hilarious new book, Life Observed: What Mom Didn't Want Me to Say (now available through 1stBooks).

What began as Internet humor columns became a vast collection of widely read and enjoyed quips about the frustrating, ironic or uproarious incidents in the daily lives of three single men. Targeted at college students and young professionals, Life Observed shatters former stereotypes about the humor genre and offers a fresh, upbeat take on the real world.

Including the real feelings, rants and thoughts of today's young adult generation, Life Observed is written in a unique, personal style that lets readers relate to each episode. It features topics such as relationships, high school life, road trips and college living. From teaching a technologically challenged parent how to use the Internet to maneuvering through the increasingly difficult world of dating, Mayor, Rossy and Johnson, all 21, put a witty spin on life's great ironies in more than 80 short columns.

Hate reality television, "boy bands" or infomercials? Can't imagine life without the Internet? Ever counted pennies just to buy a cheese pizza, bribed a buddy over 21 to make a "liquor run," or wrote a 25 page term paper in one night?

If so, pick up Life Observed, the first published book by three hilarious, young authors.

Mayor began writing humor columns in 2000. His columns quickly became popular on a British humor Web site, and he asked Rossy to join him. Johnson later came on board, and the trio collaborated to publish Life Observed, which they hope to make into a series.


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