Tetra Pak confirms that payments made locally went to Parmalat

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 20, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Tetra Pak has concluded its review concerning the media reports on payments allegedly made directly to the Tanzi family. We have reviewed the local marketing support and discount payments to Parmalat in the 23 countries where we have business with them. Our review confirms that these payments have been made to the local Parmalat companies.

We have reviewed all transactions related to discounts and marketing support between the local Tetra Pak and Parmalat companies in these countries. The review has covered the time period 1995 to 2003.

We conclude that we cannot identify any payments -- central or local -- knowingly made to the Tanzi family or any other individuals.

For further information, please contact:
Jorgen Haglind, telephone +46 708 36 46 10

A media telephone conference will be held at 11.00, January 20. Jorgen Haglind will then comment on the issue of Tetra Pak and Parmalat. Please dial +46 8 737 8981 and pin code 386025

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