Lindex Interim Report for the Third Quarter 2004

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 22, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Lindex Interim Report for the third quarter 1 March-31 May 2004.

Result charged with one-off costs of SEK 71M.

September-May 2003/2004

 -- Sales increased by 2.2 (4.0) per cent to SEK 4,034M (3,947). The 
    Lindex Group's same-stores sales, excluding the currency effect, rose 
    by 5.1 per cent.

 -- The result after tax amounted to SEK 0M (120), equivalent to SEK 0.00 
    (8.70) per share.

 -- Operating profit fell to SEK 33M (177). Profit after financial items 
    fell to SEK 33M (176). Excluding the one-off costs the operating 
    profit amounted SEK 104M.

 -- The operating margin decreased to 0.8 per cent (4.5) and the gross 
    margin amounted to 53.9 per cent (57.3). Excluding the one-off costs 
    the operating margin fell to 2.6 per cent (4.5) and the gross margin 
    amounted to 56.5 per cent (57.3).

 -- Cash flow from current operations amounted to SEK 179M (447) for the 
    first nine months.

Third quarter of the 2003/2004 financial year

 -- Sales increased by 2.4 per cent (1.0) to SEK 1,282 M (1,252).

 -- Profit after financial items fell to SEK 1M (76). The operating profit 
    amounted to SEK 1M (76). Operating profit was charged with one- off 
    write-downs of ladies' wear inventories, structural and closure costs 
    of SEK 71M (10).

 -- Profit after financial items in the Nordic operations fell to SEK 35M 
    (98). Excluding the one-off costs the profit after financial items 
    amounted to SEK 97M in the Nordic operations.

 -- The gross margin decreased to 53.8 per cent (60.4). Excluding the one-
    off write-down of ladies' wear inventories the gross margin amounted 
    to 57.3 per cent.

 -- Costs in the current operations decreased.

 For further information, please contact:

 Conny Karlsson, Acting President and CEO  Telephone: +46 31-739 50 02
                                           Mobile: +46 705-21 19 18

 Peter Andersson, Chief Financial Officer  Telephone: +46 31-739 50 10
                                           Mobile: +46 705-84 44 37

The Lindex Group consists of two retail chains: Lindex, which has 316 stores in the Nordic market and 30 stores in Germany, and Twilfit, which has 59 stores in Sweden of which ten are operated as franchise stores. The Group's business areas are Lingerie, Ladies' Wear and Children's Clothing.

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