Fortis -- Major Improvements in Operating Performance

Net Profit Tripled to EUR 2.1 Billion

BRUSSELS, Belgium, Aug. 26, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Fortis:

First half-year results 2004 (versus first half-year of 2003)

 --     Net operating profit almost tripled, from EUR 683 million to
   EUR 1,829 million. Value adjustments on the equity portfolio
   contributed EUR 271 million, compared with a loss of
   EUR 740 million last year. Net operating profit before realised
   capital gains increased by EUR 303 million, or 33%, to
   EUR 1,226 million and by 51% excluding Assurant and Seguros Bilbao,
   reflecting a major improvement in the operating performance of the
   businesses. Net realised capital gains came down by
   EUR 168 million, or 34%, to EUR 332 million.

 --     Net profit tripled from EUR 671 million to EUR 2,078
   million, benefiting from EUR 249 million of non-operating items,
   mainly in respect of realised gains on the sale of 65% of Assurant
   and of Seguros Bilbao. Earnings per share amounted to EUR 1.60
   compared to EUR 0.52 last year. Based on the last twelve months,
   return on equity came to 31.0%.

 --     In the Banking business net operating profit increased by
   36% to EUR 1,157 million. Net operating profit before realised capital 
   gains rose 58% to EUR 814 million as a result of a significant 
   decrease in value adjustments on loans and a reduction in operating 
   costs. Substantial increases in net interest income (+11%) and 
   commissions (+13%) were offset by lower net realised capital gains 
   and a lower trading result within Other income.

 --     In the Insurance business net operating profit increased by
   EUR 800 million to EUR 766 million. Net operating profit before
   realised capital gains increased by 20%, excluding Assurant and
   Seguros Bilbao, as a result of a continued good performance in Life
   and an excellent performance in Non-life. Value adjustments on the
   equity portfolio contributed EUR 230 million to net operating
   profit, compared with a loss of EUR 724 million last year.

 Key half-year figures
 (in EUR million)
                        H1 2004     H1 2003     % change % change 1)
 Net operating profit
 before realised
 capital gains            1,226         923           33            51
 Banking                  814         515          58
 Insurance                499         516         (3)             20
 General                 (87)       (108)        (20)
 Net realised capital
 gains 2)                   332         500         (34)          (33)
 Net operating profit
 excluding value
 adjustments on the
 equity portfolio         1,558       1,423           10            18
 Value adjustments on
 the equity portfolio       271       (740)            *
 Realised                (92)       (647)        (86)
 Unrealised               363        (93)           *
 Net operating profit     1,829         683            *
 Banking                1,157         851          36
 Insurance                766        (34)           *
 General                 (94)       (134)        (30)
 Non-operating items        249        (12)            *
 Net profit               2,078         671            *

1) Excluding Assurant and Seguros Bilbao. 2) Excluding equity portfolio, after tax.

Second quarter of 2004 (versus first quarter of 2004)

 --     Net operating profit decreased by EUR 219 million (-21%) to
   EUR 805 million as a result of lower net realised capital gains
   (down EUR 272 million). In addition, value adjustments on the
   equity portfolio declined (down EUR 91 million). However, net
   operating profit before realised capital gains increased by EUR 144
   million (+27%) to EUR 685 million and by 31% excluding Assurant and
   Seguros Bilbao, and by 27% and 43%, respectively, compared to the
   same quarter last year, reflecting the  quarter-on-quarter
   improvement of the operating performance.

 --     In the Banking business net operating profit came down by
   EUR 149 million (-23%) to EUR 504 million as a result of lower net
   realised capital gains (down EUR 265 million). However, net
   operating profit before realised capital gains increased by EUR 130
   million (+38%) to EUR 472 million, driven by exceptionally low
   value adjustments on loans, ongoing cost reduction and better
   trading results. Net operating profit before realised capital gains
   advanced 39% compared to the same quarter last year.

 --     In the Insurance business net operating profit decreased by
   EUR 68 million (-17%) to EUR 349 million as a result of a lower
   contribution from value adjustments on the equity portfolio (down
   EUR 96 million). However, net operating profit before realised
   capital gains, excluding Assurant and Seguros Bilbao, increased by
   EUR 34 million (+17%) to EUR 231 million and by 25% compared to the
   same quarter last year.

 Key quarterly
 figures (in
 EUR million)
                   Q2     Q1      %        %                %        %
                 2004   2004 change change1)   Q2 2003 change change1)
 Net operating
 profit before
 realised capital
 gains            685    541     27    31          540     27       43
 Banking        472    342     38                338     39
 Insurance      260    239      9     17         264    (2)      25
 General       (47)   (40)     18               (62)   (25)
 Net realised
 capital gains
 2)                30    302   (90)   (90)          87   (65)     (62)
 Net operating
 on the equity
 portfolio        715    843   (15)     (14)       627     14       27
 adjustments on
 the equity
 portfolio         90    181   (51)                509   (82)
 Realised         1   (93)    *                (614)      *
 Unrealised      89    274   (68)              1,123   (92)
 Net operating
 profit           805  1,024   (21)              1,136   (29)
 Banking        504    653   (23)                492      2
 Insurance      349    417   (17)                672   (48)
 General       (48)   (46)      5               (28)     73
 items            (2)    251      *               (12)   (83)
 Net profit       803  1,275   (37)              1,124   (29)

1) Excluding Assurant and Seguros Bilbao. 2) Excluding equity portfolio, after tax.

Fortis CEO Anton van Rossum:

"I am pleased with the strong performance that we delivered in the first half of 2004. Our net operating profit almost tripled, on the back of the recovery of the equity markets. More importantly, the operating performance of our businesses improved considerably, which is reflected in the significant increase in our net operating profit before realised capital gains. We have steadily improved our performance over the last twelve months. Although these results are encouraging, we have not yet achieved our full potential and much has yet to be done. We will therefore continue to concentrate on revenue growth while remaining disciplined in our cost control.

Our aim is to deliver profitable growth in our core Benelux businesses and to expand certain businesses in which we have a competitive advantage on a European or global basis. We are doing this by investing in organic growth opportunities, selected value-adding acquisitions and joint ventures to improve our returns in the medium term. The recently announced acquisition of a controlling stake in Milleniumbcp Fortis Insurance Group in Portugal is an example of how we are implementing our strategy.

In view of the favourable developments in our operating performance and despite the decreased equity markets since the end of June, we are more optimistic than we were at the end of the first quarter. The ongoing operating improvements in the businesses should more than compensate for the reduction in net operating profit due to the sale of Assurant and Seguros Bilbao. Barring unforeseen circumstances and with the stock markets at today's levels, this should result in at least a 10% increase of net operating profit for Fortis as a whole in 2004."

Press Contacts: Brussels: 32 (0)2 565 35 84 Utrecht: 31 30 257 65 49

Investor Relations: Brussels: 32 (0)2 510 52 28 Utrecht: 31 30 257 65 46

Annexes Results First Half-Year 2004

