Electrolux Interim report July - September, 2004

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 20, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Electrolux: INTERIM REPORT July - September,

- Net sales for the first nine months amounted to SEK 92,031m (95,762) and net income to SEK 2,420m (3,624), corresponding to SEK 8.05 (11.55) per share

- Continued strong cash flow in third quarter and for the period as a whole

- Operating income for the third quarter adversely affected by substantially higher materials prices

- Decline in income for Consumer Durables in Europe, due to higher brand spend and weaker demand in some Western European markets

- Higher income for both Consumer Outdoor Products and Professional Outdoor Products

                              Third   Third          Nine   Nine
 Amounts in SEKm, unless      quarter quarter        months months
 otherwise stated              2004    2003   Change  2004   2003  Change
 Net sales                    29,588  30,387  -2.6%  92,031 95,762 -3.9%
 Operating income1)           1,092   1,320   -17.3% 3,577  5,527  -35.3%
 Operating income, excl.
 items affecting                      1,698          5,238         -11.3%
 comparability                1,368           -19.4%        5,905
 Margin, %                    4.6     5.6            5.7    6.2
 Income after financial               1,286          3,307         -39.0%
 items1)                      944             -26.6%        5,418
 Income after financial
 items, excl. items affecting         1,664          4,968         -14.3%
 comparability                1,220           -26.7%        5,796
 Margin, %                    4.1     5.5            5.4    6.1
 Net income1)                 677     767     -11.7% 2,420  3,624  -33.2%
 Net income, excl. items
 affecting comparability      860     1,145   -24.9% 3,501  4,002  -12.5%
 Net income per share, SEK1)          2.50           8.05          -30.3%
 2)                           2.35            -6.0%         11.55
 Net income per share, excl.
 items affecting                      3.70           11.65         -8.6%
 comparability, SEK2)         3.00            -18.9%        12.75
 Value creation               442     649     -207   2,395  2,659  -264
 Return on equity, %1)                               12.9   17.4
 Return on equity, excl.
 items affecting                                     18.6
 comparability, %                                           19.2

1)Income for the third quarter of 2004 includes items affecting comparability in the amount of SEK -276m (-378) and for the first nine months SEK -1,661m (-378).

2)Based on an average of 291.3 (312.2) million shares after share redemption and buy-backs for the third quarter and 300.7 (314.1) million for the first nine months of the year.

For more information

Financial information from Electrolux is also available at www.electrolux.com/ir

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