Humatech CEO Expands on Importance of its European Distributor Being Awarded Key Food Safety Certification in World Talk Radio Network Interview

LONDON, Dec. 9, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Humatech, Inc. (OTCBB:HUMT) President & CEO David Williams today offered further insight on the importance of its Humatech Ltd. marketing arm in the U.K. being awarded a food safety certification making it an approved and registered animal feed ingredient supplier. The interview was conducted by analyst Francis Gaskins of IPO and is available to be listened to at .

Williams notes that the new food safety regulations in the United Kingdom, effective January 1, 2005, over the next several years will be adopted throughout the European Union. He points out that all companies involved in production of animal feed ingredients must conform to the new and stringent requirements of the Universal Feed Assurance Scheme (UFAS) or they simply will be out of business, and in fact, a number already have shut down because the requirements were too daunting.

"We are very fortunate that our distribution partner, Humatech Ltd., has passed all requirements, and this terrifically improves our capability to open new doors to new business, especially since Humatech is already there in advance of these new requirements"

"UFAS certification elevates our business, and increases our sales opportunities many times over," Williams reports. "As an example," the CEO notes, "annually U.S. pig production for food consumption amounts to the raising of 100 million pigs. By contrast, in the European Union, the total number is triple that amount -- more than 300 million."

About Humatech Inc.

Humatech, Inc. manufactures all natural nutrient solutions for plants and animals, produced from a proprietary process described as "Iso-Molecular" technology. The company markets Promax(r) to the animal feed industry, and also has an extensive agricultural product line, which it markets in the U.S.A and Europe, as well as its Organic Advantage(r) retail product line, which consists of 12 organic based liquid products ranging in size from a 4oz. Planting Solution, to a 2 1/2 gallon Lawn Food. Additional information regarding the company, and its product lines, is available at .

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