10 new jobs in Karlskrona: Vodafone Group locates competence centre for business mobile communication in Sweden

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 29, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Sweden and Karlskrona are becoming the base for Vodafone's new global competence centre for business mobile communication with the emphasis on the Wireless Office solution. Initially this involves 10 new jobs. The competence centre will further develop Wireless Office for the global market on behalf of the Vodafone Group and support Vodafone operators throughout the world with skills in this field.

Wireless Office is of great strategic importance in making Vodafone's business customers throughout the world even more mobile. The product was developed by Vodafone Sweden and has been on the Swedish market since 1997. With Wireless Office a company can cut out the wires to its fixed telephones and have all the functions included in landline telephony such as landline numbers and short numbers on its mobile phones. The solution has been on sale in several of Vodafone's markets for some years and now Vodafone Sweden is acquiring a central role in developing the product further for Vodafone at global level.

"Vodafone Sweden is the natural home for Vodafone Group's Wireless Office competence centre. The business has been the leader within the Vodafone Group in driving the development of Wireless Office, a significant global service that will help Vodafone increase mobile service usage across all of its markets. Vodafone Sweden will play an important part in Vodafone's global service strategy, ensuring more business customers benefit from the greater productivity that mobile offers", says Thomas Geitner, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at Vodafone Group.

Vodafone's skills in Karlskrona centre will be opening in April and to start off with there will be 10 people working on further development of Wireless Office and other business products for the Vodafone group.

"It is very gratifying that the Vodafone Group is locating the competence centre for Wireless Office and other business products in Sweden. We were pioneers producing advanced mobile business solutions for our customers and now we are getting the opportunity to contribute our experience within the group and to continue to an even greater extent to produce products that make work easier and companies' operations more efficient", says Magnus Forsbrand, Chief Technical Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Vodafone Sweden.

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