EMS SATCOM Unveils Prototype MEOSAR Local User Terminal

Medium Earth Orbit Satellite Terminal Seeks to Take the 'Search' Out of Search and Rescue

OTTAWA and LONDON, June 9, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- EMS SATCOM, a division of EMS Technologies (Nasdaq:ELMG) reported today, at the London annual Search and Rescue forum being held as part of the COSPAS-SARSAT Joint Committee Meetings, that its work on a next-generation COSPAS-SARSAT ground station, medium earth orbit local user terminal (MEOLUT) is proving fruitful.

The terminal, which represents an evolution of the company's low earth orbit (LEO) and geostationary (GEO) terminals, is the first step in a worldwide effort to make Search and Rescue operations more efficient. It was developed by EMS SATCOM and tested in conjunction with the Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC) for the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).

"We have been able to isolate, detect and decode discrete beacon transmissions using experimental satellites currently in orbit, a major milestone that proves the technology is viable," said Gary Hebb, vice president, engineering and business development -- EMS SATCOM. "EMS SATCOM is proud to be working with CSA and CRC on the Search and Rescue system of the future."

"CRC has been involved in the COSPAS-SARSAT system with EMS SATCOM and our international partners since the program began in the mid-1970s," said Jim King, director, Major Satellite Communications Programs at the CRC. "Tapping in to this next generation of Search and Rescue satellites -- the MEOSAR network -- will mean that operators will quickly be able to identify a distress beacon received by the satellite and pinpoint the position. This capability will give Search and Rescue teams a head start on rescuing people in distress, time that could be critical to their survival."

"The COSPAS-SARSAT system is an outstanding demonstration of the power of applied satellite technology," said Gilles Leclerc, the CSA's Director-General of Space Technologies. "The Canadian Space Agency's investment in EMS SATCOM's new ground station network is improving search and rescue operations and spurring the commercialization of innovative space technologies that respond to Canadian and global needs."

More about the Medium Earth Orbit Search and Rescue System:

Currently COSPAS-SARSAT satellites have a specific periodicity, which means that a distress victim may have to wait two or more hours for the satellites to both confirm the distress beacon and then pinpoint the location. The next-generation MEO Search and Rescue (MEOSAR) network of satellites will enable the delivery of real-time data transmission because it will combine the speedy detection of a distress beacon currently associated with GEO satellites, with the global coverage and position determination capabilities of LEO satellites. The world-wide effort to increase the number MEO satellites with SAR functionality will result in a much larger network of satellites than exists currently, and when the system is fully rolled-out over the next five years, there will always be satellites in view from virtually anywhere in the world. As a result, real-time information will be available to rescue coordination centers (RCC's) and mission control centers (MCC's) (which are the hubs of SAR operations), minimizing the search part of an operation, placing the emphasis on rescue, and saving more lives. EMS SATCOM's MEOLUT will take advantage of this new satellite network.

"We have been involved in the SAR infrastructure from its very beginnings," said Steven Edgett, vice president, EMS SATCOM Emergency Management Products Group. "Our MEOLUT is an evolutionary product that blends the best features of our GEO and LEO terminals. Our current customers will be able to easily upgrade to MEOSAR and benefit from the real-time functionality of the next generation system. The ultimate goal is to take the 'Search' out of a Search and Rescue operation."

About EMS Technologies, Inc.

EMS Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:ELMG) is a leading innovator in the design and manufacture of wireless, satellite and defense solutions, and focuses its unique range of advanced technologies on the needs of broadband and mobile information users. The Company is headquartered in Atlanta, has approximately 1,800 workers worldwide, and operates manufacturing facilities in Atlanta, Ottawa, Montreal and Brazil.

The SATCOM division of EMS Technologies, based in Ottawa, Canada, specializes in the design and development of satellite-based terminals and antennas for the aeronautical, land mobile, maritime and emergency management markets. The division is a leader in developing and supplying high-speed data communications equipment for delivering e-mail and Internet capabilities to aircraft cabins. For more information, visit the company's website at www.emssatcom.com.

About CRC

CRC, an agency of Industry Canada, is the Canadian government's primary laboratory for research and development (R&D) in advanced telecommunications. R&D is used for public policy purposes and to strengthen the Canadian economy through technology and knowledge transfer. Under its four research branches, CRC specializes in taking an interdisciplinary approach to longer-term R&D in wireless systems, radio fundamentals, communication networks, photonics and interactive multimedia. More information about CRC is available at: www.crc.ca.

About CSA

Established in 1989 and with its headquarters situated in Longueuil, Quebec, the Canadian Space Agency is responsible for coordinating all civil, space-related policies and programs related to science and technology research, industrial development, and international cooperation on behalf of the Government of Canada. The Canadian Space Agency directs its resources and activities through four key thrusts: Earth Observation, Space Science and Exploration, Satellite Communications, and Space Awareness and Learning. With the overall responsibility for advancing Canada's space policy and programs, the Canadian Space Agency leverages international cooperation to champion world-class scientific research and industrial development for the benefit of humanity. For more information, visit www.space.gc.ca.

