The Hero Behind the Man -- New Biography Examines All-American Life of Former Rushville, Ind. Mayor

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 30, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Many real heroes hide behind the faces of everyday Americans; however, the true grit and strength that resided in Joseph Paul "Joe" Delon was evident to all. The new biography, The Long Road to Bataan and Beyond: Letters and Memories of a Man From the Greatest Generation (now available through AuthorHouse), by his brother, Floyd G. Delon, with letters by Joseph Paul Delon himself, examines the life that turned this farm boy, soldier and small town mayor into an all-American hero.

The book chronicles Joe's life "from the cradle to the grave," judiciously examining three important facets of the journey that made him a hero. Delon sections his biography into three parts, covering the pre-war years, the war years and his civilian life, respectively. Joe's story begins on a small Indiana farm in 1914. The first of six children, he was raised in a close, Quaker family that provided him with the strong foundation to persevere through the hardships of the Great Depression and the future.

The second part begins as Joe enters the military in April 1941 in the pre-war draft. He served with Company I, 152nd Infantry, 38th Division, which earned the designation "The Avengers of Bataan." He met each adversity with courage. Wounded twice in combat, he received two Purple Hearts. His valor and leadership led to the award of Bronze Stars and a battlefield commission.

The last section explores his life after honorable discharge from the Army in November 1945. Joe married his sweetheart and returned to the oil business. As he neared retirement, he decided to resume public service. He ran for mayor of Rushville, Ind., and he assumed office with numerous challenges, such as high unemployment. In response, he met with his former enemies -- the Japanese -- in an effort to persuade them to locate new factories in his community.

The story of a true American hero told through his letters and the memories of those who knew him well, The Long Road to Bataan and Beyond is a warm biography that chronicles the life of one man who embodied the attributes of the Greatest Generation.

Delon followed his brother's early aspiration by becoming a teacher. After graduating from Ball State University Teacher's College, he began a long career in education. During this time, he earned a master's degree in educational administration from Butler University and served as a high school principal. After completing his doctorate in education at the University of Arizona, he became a college professor and taught for 28 years at the University of Missouri. He eventually assumed the role of executive director of the Education Law Association. A prolific writer, Delon has edited and authored a number of books, chapters, monographs and journal articles.


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