Murray, Frank & Sailer LLP Announces Class Action Against UBS-AG on Behalf of Purchasers of Fidelity Family of Funds -- FBGRX, FDEQX, FEQIX, FDGRX, FPURX

NEW YORK, Sept. 2, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- The law firm of Murray, Frank & Sailer LLP announces that it has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of all persons who purchased Fidelity Funds from UBS-AG ("UBS"), from May 1, 2000 through April 30, 2005, inclusive (the "Class Period"), seeking to pursue remedies under the Securities Act of 1993 (the "Securities Act") and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act").

The Funds, and the Symbols for the respective Fidelity Funds named below, are as follows:

 FUND NAME                                   NASDAQ SYMBOL
 Aggressive Growth                              FDEGX
 Blue Chip Growth                               FBGRX
 Blue Chip Value                                FBCVX
 Capital Appreciation                           FDCAX
 Contrafund                                     FCNTX
 Disciplined Equity                             FDEQX
 Discovery                                      FDSVX
 Dividend Growth                                FDGFX
 EquityIncome                                   FEQIX
 EquityIncome II                                FEQTX
 Export and Multinational                       FEXPX
 Fidelity                                       FFIDX
 Fidelity Fifty                                 FFTYX
 Focused Stock Fund                             FTQGX
 FourinOne Index Fund                           FFNOX
 Growth & Income                                FGRIX
 Growth & Income II                             FGRTX
 Growth Company                                 FDGRX
 Independence                                   FDFFX
 Large Cap Growth                               FSLGX
 Large Cap Stock                                FLCSX
 Large Cap Value                                FSLVX
 Leveraged Company Stock                        FLVCX
 LowPriced Stock                                FLPSX
 Magellan                                       FMAGX
 Mid Cap Growth                                 FSMGX
 Mid Cap Value                                  FSMVX
 MidCap Stock                                   FMCSX
 Nasdaq Composite Index Fund                    FNCMX
 New Millennium                                 FMILX
 OTC Portfolio                                  FOCPX
 Small Cap Growth                               FCPGX
 Small Cap Independence                         FDSCX
 Small Cap Retirement                           FSCRX
 Small Cap Stock                                FSLCX
 Small Cap Value                                FCPVX
 Spartan 500 Index Fund                         FSMKX
 Spartan Total Market Index                     FSTMX
 Spartan U.S. Equity Index                      FUSEX
 Stock Selector                                 FDSSX
 Tax Managed Stock Fund                         FTXMX
 Trend                                          FTRNX
 Value                                          FDVLX
 Value Discovery                                FVDFX
 Value Strategies                               FSLSX
 Aggressive International                       FIVFX
 Diversified International                      FDIVX
 Global Balanced                                FGBLX
 International Discovery                        FIGRX
 International Small Cap                        FISMX
 International Small Cap Opportunities          FSCOX
 Overseas                                       FOSFX
 Spartan International Index                    FSIIX
 Worldwide                                      FWWFX
 Canada                                         FICDX
 China Region Fund                              FHKCX
 Europe                                         FIEUX
 Europe Capital Appreciation                    FECAX
 Japan Fund                                     FJPNX
 Japan Smaller Companies                        FJSCX
 Nordic                                         FNORX
 Pacific Basin                                  FPBFX
 Emerging Markets                               FEMKX
 Latin America                                  FLATX
 Southeast Asia                                 FSEAX
 Fidelity Utilities Fund                        FIUIX
 Select Air Transportation Portfolio            FSAIX
 Select Automotive Portfolio                    FSAVX
 Select Banking Portfolio                       FSRBX
 Select Biotechnology Portfolio                 FBIOX
 Select Brokerage/Inv. Mgt. Portfolio           FSLBX
 Select Business                                FBSOX
 Svcs/Outsourcings Portfolio
 Select Chemicals Portfolio                     FSCHX
 Select Computers Portfolio                     FDCPX
 Select Construction & Housing Portfolio        FSHOX
 Select Consumer Industries Portfolio           FSCPX
 Select Cyclical Industries Portfolio           FCYIX
 Select Defense & Aerospace Portfolio           FSDAX
 Select Developing Communications Portfolio     FSDCX
 Select Electronics Portfolio                   FSELX
 Select Energy Portfolio                        FSENX
 Select Energy Service Portfolio                FSESX
 Select Environmental Portfolio                 FSLEX
 Select Food & Agriculture Portfolio            FDFAX
 Select Gold Portfolio                          FSAGX
 Select Health Care Portfolio                   FSPHX
 Select Home Finance Portfolio                  FSVLX
 Select Industrial Equipment Portfolio          FSCGX
 Select Industrial Materials Portfolio          FSDPX
 Select Insurance Portfolio                     FSPCX
 Select Leisure Portfolio                       FDLSX
 Select Medical Delivery Portfolio              FSHCX
 Select Medical Equipment/Systems Portfolio     FSMEX
 Select Multimedia Portfolio                    FBMPX
 Select Natural Gas Portfolio                   FSNGX
 Select Natural Resources Portfolio             FNARX
 Select Networking & Infrastructure Portfolio   FNINX
 Select Paper & Forest Products Portfolio       FSPFX
 Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio               FPHAX
 Select Retailing Portfolio                     FSRPX
 Select Software/Computer Svces Portfolio       FSCSX
 Select Technology Portfolio                    FSPTX
 Select Telecommunications Portfolio            FSTCX
 Select Transportation Portfolio                FSRFX
 Select Utilities Growth Portfolio              FSUTX
 Select Wireless Portfolio                      FWRLX
 Select Money Market                            FSLXX
 International Real Estate                      FIREX
 Real Estate                                    FRESX
 Real Estate Income                             FRIFX
 FourinOne Index Fund                           FFNOX
 Nasdaq Composite Index Fund                    FNCMX
 Spartan 500 Index Fund                         FSMKX
 Spartan International Index                    FSIIX
 Spartan Total Market Index                     FSTMX
 Spartan U.S. Equity Index                      FUSEX
 U.S. Bond Index Fund                           FBIDX
 Asset Manager                                  FASMX
 Asset Manager: Aggressive                      FAMRX
 Asset Manager: Growth                          FASGX
 Asset Manager: Income                          FASIX
 Freedom 2000                                   FFFBX
 Freedom 2005                                   FFFVX
 Freedom 2010                                   FFFCX
 Freedom 2015                                   FFVFX
 Freedom 2020                                   FFFDX
 Freedom 2025                                   FFTWX
 Freedom 2030                                   FFFEX
 Freedom 2035                                   FFTHX
 Freedom 2040                                   FFFFX
 Freedom Income                                 FFFAX
 Balanced                                       FBALX
 Convertible Securities                         FCVSX
 Global Balanced                                FGBLX
 Puritan                                        FPURX
 Strategic Dividend & Income                    FSDIX
 Ginnie Mae                                     FGMNX
 Government Income                              FGOVX
 InflationProtection                            FINPX
 Intermediate Bond                              FTHRX
 Intermediate Govt Income                       FSTGX
 Investment Grade Bond                          FBNDX
 Mortgage Securities                            FMSFX
 ShortTerm Bond                                 FSHBX
 Spartan Govt. Income                           SPGVX
 Strategic Income                               FSICX
 Total Bond                                     FTBFX
 U.S. Bond Index                                FBIDX
 UltraShort Bond                                FUSFX
 Capital & Income                               FAGIX
 Floating Rate High Income                      FFRHX
 Focused High Income                            FHIFX
 High Income                                    SPHIX
 New Markets Income                             FNMIX
 Intermediate Municipal Income                  FLTMX
 Municipal Income                               FHIGX
 ShortIntermediate Municipal Income             FSTFX
 TaxFree Bond                                   FTABX
 Arizona Municipal Income                       FSAZX
 California Municipal Income                    FCTFX
 Connecticut Municipal Income                   FICNX
 Florida Municipal Income                       FFLIX
 Maryland Municipal Income                      SMDMX
 Massachusetts Municipal Income                 FDMMX
 Michigan Municipal Income                      FMHTX
 Minnesota Municipal Income                     FIMIX
 New Jersey Municipal Income                    FNJHX
 New York Municipal Income                      FTFMX
 Ohio Municipal Income                          FOHFX
 Pennsylvania Municipal Income                  FPXTX
 Cash Reserves                                  FDRXX
 FMMT: Retirement Government MM                 FGMXX
 FMMT: Retirement MM                            FRTXX
 Government Money Market                        SPAXX
 Money Market                                   SPRXX
 Select Money Market                            FSLXX
 U.S. Government Reserves                       FGRXX
 U.S. Treasury Money Market                     FDLXX
 AMT TaxFree Money Fund                         FIMXX
 Municipal Money Market                         FTEXX
 TaxFree Money Market                           FMOXX
 Arizona Municipal MM                           FSAXX
 California AMT TaxFree MM                      FSPXX
 Connecticut Municipal MM                       FCFXX
 Florida Municipal MM                           FSFXX
 Massachusetts AMT TaxFree MM                   FMSXX
 Massachusetts Municipal MM                     FDMXX
 Michigan Municipal MM                          FMIXX
 New Jersey AMT TaxFree MM                      FSJXX
 New Jersey Municipal MM                        FNJXX
 New York AMT TaxFree MM                        FSNXX
 New York Municipal MM                          FNYXX
 Ohio Municipal MM                              FOMXX
 Pennsylvania Municipal MM                      FPTXX

The complaint alleges that during the Class Period, defendants served as financial advisors who purportedly provided unbiased and honest investment advice to their clients. Unbeknownst to investors, defendants, in clear contravention of their disclosure obligations and fiduciary responsibilities, failed to properly disclose that they had engaged in a scheme to aggressively push UBS sales personnel to steer clients into purchasing certain UBS Funds and UBS Tier I Funds, which included Fidelity Funds, that provided financial incentives and rewards to UBS and its personnel based on sales. The complaint alleges that defendants' undisclosed sales practices created an insurmountable conflict of interest by providing substantial monetary incentives to sell Shelf-Space Funds to their clients, even though such investments were not in the clients' best interest. UBS' failure to disclose the incentives constituted violations of federal securities laws.

The action also includes a subclass of persons who held any shares of UBS Mutual Funds. The complaint additionally alleges that the investment advisor subsidiary of UBS, UBS Global Asset Management created further undisclosed material conflicts of interest by entering into revenue sharing agreements with UBS financial Advisors to push investors into UBS proprietary funds, regardless of whether such investments were in the investors' best interests. The investment advisors financed these arrangements by illegally charging excessive and improper fees to the fund that should have been invested in the underlying portfolio. In doing so they breached their fiduciary duties to investors under the Investment Company Act and state law and decreased shareholders' investment returns.

The action includes a second subclass of persons who purchased a UBS Financial Plan that held Tier I mutual funds. The UBS Financial Plans include, but are not limited to UBS Personalized Asset Consulting and Evaluation Plan, InsightOne accounts, and/or a resource management accounts.

Murray, Frank & Sailer LLP and its predecessor firms have devoted its practice to shareholder class actions and complex commercial litigation for more than fifteen years and have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for shareholders in class actions throughout the United States.

If you purchased any of the Fidelity Funds through a UBS broker between May 1, 2000 through April 30, 2005, inclusive, and sustained damages, you may, no later than September 30, 2005, request that the Court appoint you as lead plaintiff. To serve as lead plaintiff, however, you must meet certain legal requirements. You can join this class action as lead plaintiff online at Contact plaintiff's counsel Eric J. Belfi, Christopher Hinton or Bradley Dyer to discuss this action, this announcement, or your rights or interests.

