Interim Report for New Wave Group AB (publ) Q3 January -- September 2005

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 27, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Interim Report for New Wave Group AB (publ) Q3 January--September 2005.

The profit for the third quarter increased by msek 27.8 to msek 56.4 (28.6)

-- Sales increased by 28 % to SEK 2 029 (1 590) M during January -- September.

-- Profit after net finance increased by SEK 0.2 M to SEK 122.4 (122.2) M. Acquired units contributed with SEK 15.1 M.

-- The total cost for new establishments amounted to SEK 25.7 M.

-- Profit after tax increased to SEK 93.6 (92.7) M and profit per share decreased to SEK 1.45 (1.46).

-- Sales for the third quarter increased by 47 % to SEK 774 (525) M and profit after finance by MSEK 27.8 to MSEK 56.4 (28.6).

-- The Corporate Profiling business area's sales increased by 25 % to SEK 1 335(1 070) M. Profit on EBITDA-level increased by SEK 20.0 M to SEK 147.9 (127.9) M.

-- The Retailing business area's sales increased by 33 % to SEK 694 (520) M. Profit on EBITDA-level decreased by SEK 8.2 to SEK 29.5 (37.7) M.

-- On 1 July, New Wave Group acquired 51 % of the shares in Intraco Holding BV for approx. EUR 4 M, including an option to acquire the rest of the shares.

-- On October 4, an agreement was reached with Royal Scandinavia A/Sto change the initial acquisition of 51 % in Orrefors Kosta Boda HoldingAB to include all the shares. The total purchase price for all theshares amounts approx. to SEK 24.5 M.

-- New Wave was elected 30-th fastest growing company in Europe 500's list ``Europe's champions of growth" and was the only Swedish company among the 100 ``hottest growing companies" by Business Week's ranking.

-- The fourth quarter will be crucial for the whole year's profit. New Wave's previous forecast on increased profit and sales for year 2005 remains.

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