You've Got Funny Mail -- New Book Presents Lighthearted Look at Cluttered Inboxes

BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Nov. 8, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- The advent of e-mail has brought the world closer together, for better or worse, as people increasingly find reasons to contact one another with the latest news, gossip, stories and jokes. Divad Yvel digs into his personal inbox archives to offer You've Got Funny Mail (now available through AuthorHouse), a compilation of five years of humorous e-mails about love, life and happiness.

"Many of us have received these e-mails, but often delete them as junk mail when we are busy, or, at best, after reading them, immediately delete the message from our computer's memory and our own memory, and lose that fleeting smile from our face," muses Yvel.

His book offers the opportunity to remember the "good ones" that are clever enough to make readers hit the "forward" button. In addition to provoking its share of smiles, You've Got Funny Mail also provides readers with a deeper understanding of how electronic communication has transformed both generations and society.

Within the pages of You've Got Funny Mail, Yvel invites readers to recall some of their favorite inbox anecdotes, learn new ones and, most importantly, to take a few minutes out of a stressful day as they enjoy the result of his insightful observations.

"What better than an instant message that puts a smile on your face, lightens a rough day or simply breaks up the monotony?" he asks.

Yvel emigrated from the former Yugoslavia to the United States in 1994. He came from a home that had no TV, telephone or radio, but he was intrigued by technology. The development of the Internet was another area of interest, and Yvel embarked on a mission to find and share the best that e-mail had to offer. He has a degree in mechanical engineering and lives in Michigan with his wife and two children.


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