East Delta Resources to Rapidly Expand its Exploration Programs on its Highly Prospective Gold Properties

MONTREAL, Nov. 16, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- East Delta Resources Corp. (OTCBB:EDLT.OB) (EJK.F) announced today that the Company has decided to aggressively accelerate its exploration plans and activities in and around its anchor property at Bake, Guizhou Province. The area is currently a fairly active and producing, yet significantly under-explored, turbidite-hosted gold district in southern China. Modern exploration techniques, that to date have been under-utilized within this district, will be applied through an aggressive exploration program undertaken by EDLT and its joint venture partners. The Company recognizes the enormous potential of the area to host additional significant gold deposits. The turbidite-hosted deposit type are known throughout the world (Bendigo and Ballarat Districts -- Australia; Meguma District -- Nova Scotia, Slave Province -- Northwest Territories) as a significant source of gold production.

The decision to speed-up and expand the Company's exploration programs is a direct result of recommendations issued by two independent Canadian Professional Geologists (P. Geo.) who have recently concluded an expedition to the Company's properties in the region. They were hired by East Delta to conduct a geophysical analysis of these properties.

Mr. Victor Sun, president and CEO of East Delta, stated, "We were very pleased to obtain independent validation of our original assessment of the region's enormous potential. At Bake we own exploration rights to 85 square kilometers of territory, and indications are that there may be at least 6 independent potentially minable zones lying within this property. With the qualified team that is behind us and adequate funding we now can move quickly towards proving our potential resource."

Commenting on the very positive report issued by the independent geologists, Dr. Lu Huan Zhang, East Delta's chief geologist, said, "As a former supervisor of various Chinese mineral exploration teams working in Guizhou Province and particularly on the Bake property, I have known about the great potential of this region for quite a while and with East Delta my dream of bringing a world class mining operation into production in this area is that much closer to reality."

The Company further stated that this work will be in addition to its ongoing expansion of mining activities at the Company's recently acquired mine at Huaquiao.

The S.E. Guizhou/Hunan Gold Camp, located in southeastern Guizhou and southwestern Hunan Provinces, China, currently hosts more than 10 significant gold deposits or showings. In western Hunan Province, several large gold deposits including Xiangxi, Muoping and Youxi (which has reserves of more than 50 tonnes of gold) have been identified. Gold-bearing quartz veins in the Guizhou Province also host several mines, including the Huaqiao Mine (in which East Delta Resources recently acquired a 77% interest and to date has produced over 5 tonnes of gold), the Pingqiu, Kentou and Jingjing Gold Mines. In all these mines, native gold is associated with massive quartz and minor sulfide (pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, and sphalerite) mineralization. The gold grades are reported between 2 g/t and 30 g/t.

Gold mineralization within the Hunan-Guizhou Gold Belt is hosted by quartz veins that occur within weakly metamorphozed turbidite sediments. The region lies on the southwestern edge of the Yangtze paleo-platform, which is composed of crystalline rocks of Proterozoic age that have been overlain by shallow-marine Cambrian to Jurassic age sediments. Most of the gold deposits are hosted in the Proterozoic age rocks, consisting of sericite slate, sandstone slate, tuff, and sandstone. The Proterozoic rocks were subjected to greenschist facies metamorphism prior to emplacement of the gold mineralization. Alteration is limited to chloritization, sericitization and silicification.

Five sub-parallel, regional shear zones and 6 anticlines oriented in a general ENE or NE direction have been recognized within the gold belt. The gold deposits are located as saddle reef/trough quartz veins along the axial planes of the regional folds. The shear zones produced subsidiary ductile, ductile-brittle and brittle fractures. No intrusion has been identified within the region. The native gold-bearing quartz veins strike NE and are approximately 200-1,000m in length, 0.1 to 1.0 m in width and up to 200 to 300m in depth. The quartz veins recognized in the area generally occur as en echelon, or vertically stacked, structures within the turbidite sequence. The alteration is chloritization, sericitization and silicification."

The Company

East Delta Resources Corp. is a publicly traded Delaware corporation, headquartered in Montreal, Quebec whose business objective is to profit from the recent strong worldwide revival of interest in precious metals. EDLT's primary activity is in mine development and production of gold. EDLT also participates in other mineral exploration and mining, specifically, silver, nickel, zinc and lead. The geographic focus of the Company currently is mostly China.

With over (USD) $1.5 million in the bank, majority interest in several highly-prospective properties, experienced personnel, and an extensive network of contacts in China, the Company believes it has made a solid start on implementing its business plans and objectives.

Safe Harbor

Certain statements contained herein are "forward-looking'' statements (as such term is defined in the Private Securities Reform Act of 1995). Because such statements include risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.


