A 'Grand Slam' for Sales Professionals -- Sales Expert Uses Baseball Analogy to Emphasize Concepts of Sales

WESTBOROUGH, Mass., Jan. 13, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Salespeople today face a daunting selling environment. Sophisticated techniques have been developed to help these professionals increase sales but are not as effective as they could be, writes Dave Kurlan. In his new book, Baseline Selling: How to Become a Sales Superstar by Using What You Already Know About the Game of Baseball (now available through AuthorHouse), he provides sales forces with a concept that helps knock sales figures out of the park.

With increasingly expensive and complex products and services, fiercer competition for fewer potential buyers and more savvy customers, sales is more cutthroat than ever. More advanced sales techniques have been introduced to the industry, but Kurlan writes that most professionals are not able to fully utilize them. The reason? Since these sales methodologies have come into vogue, most salespeople don't understand them thoroughly enough to apply the more intricate processes to their businesses.

Baseline Selling remedies this dilemma. With a fun, accessible connection to the game of baseball, it presents an innovative process that provides salespeople with the essential skills needed to develop and close a sale in any situation. The baseball concept allows salespeople to grasp the system quickly with strategies such as "The Cycle," "The Rain Delay" and "The Hanger." They learn everything from delivering "The Table Setter" to ensure future sales to covertly challenging competitors with "The Hidden Ball Trick." Case histories and actual examples supplement Kurlan's "Four Bases of Sales Success." Each base represents a pivotal moment in the journey to closing a deal.

For 50 years, Kurlan writes, the sales industry has lacked a comprehensive system the average salesperson can use to achieve consistent results. Baseline Selling fills this void by being a catalyst for success, even in the most challenging selling environments.

Kurlan has 20 years of experience in the professional sales development business and 15 years as an expert on sales performance. He is the founder of Objective Management Group Inc., the leader in sales assessments, and the CEO of David Kurlan & Associates Inc., a consulting firm specializing in sales force development. He has been featured on radio, television and in print media such as Inc. magazine, Selling Power and Incentive magazine. He developed "The Dave Kurlan Sales Force Profile," a tool for evaluating sales forces; co-developed "Salesmind," software that helps salespeople overcome weaknesses; and co-developed "SalesTrack," a web application that holds salespeople accountable. Other titles by Kurlan include Mindless Selling and Corporate Recruiting System for Hiring Salespeople. More information is available at www.baselineselling.com.


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