Grandson and Grandpa Debut New Poetry Collection - New Book Offers Poems of First-Grader and His Grandfather, a Seasoned Poet

WESTFIELD, N.J., Feb. 15, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- In a new poetry collection that offers two perspectives of the world, Paul and Papa, Innocence and Emotions: Poems for the Generations (now available through AuthorHouse), first-grader Paul L. Vernick's insight offers whimsical, yet inspiring views of life, while his grandfather, Harris "Cole" Vernick presents verses on years of experience.

In Part I, Paul offers his take on the world, with the help of his grandfather, to whom he dictated his musings on everything from the meaning of love to the sticky sweet goodness of a juicy orange. Among the youngest published poets in America, Paul brings a radiant innocence to the collection, as well as an uncanny insight about the world. His opening piece, "Bees and Tress," illustrates his style:

Bees and Trees,/ Rise and Shine, Day and Night, There's flowers./ The bees come out/ At the day./ They make honey/ The sun shines,/ The moon shines./ And the grass is green./ Butterflies are pretty./ There is a purple flower,/ And an orange butterfly/ Red roses, yellow, and pink,/ Are beginning to bloom/ Those roses will be/ For you and me.

Parts 2 and 3 present Harris Vernick's work. Part 2 includes personal, often free verse poetry on his deeply moving memories of not only being a physician, a husband and an American, but also of being a human trying to make sense of life. His recollections of major events, such as the Sept. 11 attacks and the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the tearful and engaging stories about patients and his military years precede Section 3, which is an engaging series of poems written in the Japanese style of haiku, tanka, haibun and others. After each piece, "Author's Comments" allow the reader to learn more about the poet and about the multiple layers of the verses.

"Apocalypse From a Street Person's View -9/11/01" illustrates his style:

Startled, I awaken. Surreal fantasy/ assaults my sleep-shrouded eyes./ What play is this?/ Airplanes crashing those gleaming towers?/ The majesty and power of America,/ Exploding,/ a fire?/ I shake my head. My vision clears. I look again./ It's gone...It is all gone./ Towers, no longer filling that space./ Now a void, a cloud, torn gutted earth, twisted steel./ Dust clouds exploding into the sky,/ of concrete, plaster, and stone./ A cratered debris field, all that remains,/ from concrete and steel, built for ages./ Gone, gone, all gone...

Paul and Papa, Innocence and Emotions: Poems for the Generations is a unique poetry collection that touches on topics that span generations.

The poets have been writing poetry together since Paul was nearly 5 years old. Harris is a retired physician and Navy veteran, and both he and his grandson are penning poems for their next release.

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