A Revolutionary Idea in Teaching -- Author Offers New Methodology Based on Consciousness of Individual Minds

PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 15, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- In his new book, Vision for Education in a World Made WHOLE (now available through AuthorHouse), GOD (In COMMUNION with Lawrence Hall Dawson) presents a new methodology for teaching that is based heavily on philosophical ideas and the true way the human mind functions.

Instead of continuing to teach children using methods that have long been antiquated, Dawson offers his new paradigm, which is founded upon "the principle of repatterning humankind's sensory and thought input" so individuals can realize that their minds are a part of "The One Mind, Parent Mind, God Mind, Cause of all that is: Energy with Consciousness," Dawson writes.

This "The One Eternal Mind" is not part of the body; it is part of the collective consciousness of all humans, and the mind simply projects "the Image of Energy with Consciousness." This involves a continuous process of giving and receiving, which is one of the central ideas of Dawson's new education model. In accordance with the old saying, "As you give so shall you receive," this new teaching method follows this simple principle.

Education is at the forefront of today's top issues, especially since President George W. Bush created the No Child Left Behind Act. Dawson writes that the education quagmire of today can be reversed using his method. "The ideas presented in this book may allow this mandate unprecedented success as educators realize that when formal education ceases, we naturally revert back to the true form, or the natural form of how educating self occurs...the self is the initial giver of the question, not the teacher outside of the self. The outer teacher needs to revert to his role as a guide only in the location of the answer."

An intriguing guide, Vision for Education in a World Made WHOLE outlines a fascinating new concept. Dawson stresses the importance of changing the current system: "Be stewards of the primary resource of the world...its children!"

A student of both formal universities and spiritual philosophies, Dawson is a presenter and writer. His first international audience was in Dublin, Ireland, where he presented his Self-Quest/Self-Test Communicative Arts Program. He has also done numerous workshops in Hawaii, Singapore, Sweden and Russia that are based on his writings from his "Communion with God Mind." He is the author of The Practical Mystic: The Secret of the Triple Spiral and The Way Back Home ... More information is available at www.TRUTH-Beacon.com.


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