Subliminal Lines -- Volume of Verse Designed to Make Readers Pause, Ponder Today's Issues

SOLON, Ohio, March 2, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- In a new poetry collection, Subliminal Lines (now available through AuthorHouse), Gregory Johnson mixes satire with a healthy dose of insight designed to affect changes in the way people think about today's issues.

"Kick back and sincerely enjoy this book. I hope some of these poems make you think," says Johnson.

His eclectic collection spans a range of topics. On the lighter side are works like "My College Dorm" and "I Hate that Hole." Johnson is not above poking a little fun at politicians with "Pac Man" and "Reagan International Airport," and recent controversy is also within his literary sights as he makes readers stop and think with the scathing satire, "FEMA."

More than three dozen poems make up this engaging collection. The following excerpt from "Wilted" illustrates Johnson's artful style:

Love fades,/ In various shades,/ Developing afresh,/ Sometimes with thorns./ Everlasting/ Adoration/ Speaks its mind/ With twists and coils/ If straight falling./ What lurks beyond,/ The next bend,/ Keeps us wondering/ Whose turn to take./ Speaking optically,/ Whispering/ Silently,/ Digits brushing.

An artistic look at politics, for better or worse, and a host of other topics that resonate with readers everywhere, Subliminal Lines is a timely volume that is sure to generate discussion for a long time to come.

A native of Solon, Ohio, Johnson has worked with victims of abuse and has also been a foster parent. He considers himself a born-again Christian "with a realistic view on life" and reminds readers that his poems written about specific individuals are meant to be purely satirical. More information is available at

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