Author Channels Indian Chief, Receives Startling Revelations -- New Book Explains Series of Events That Could Reshape Human Life in Next 200 Years

BLOOMINGTON, Ind., April 28, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- A psychic connection between Civil War-era, Creek Indian Chief Oktaharsars Harjo and C.B. Fisher, author of the new book, Oktaha Speaks: The Third Prophecy (now available through AuthorHouse), unveils shocking details about catastrophic future events in the United States and the human metamorphosis that is to follow.

In this fascinating chronicle of Fisher's communication with the Indian Chief, he relates dreams, visions and automatic writings about world-changing events. They prophesize that a great California earthquake and subsequent tsunami will threaten America's water and electricity supply and cause Oregon and Washington to become island territory. The United States will depend on other nations for its survival, and more natural calamities, terrorist plots and civil unrest will follow, they write.

But this widespread chaos will make way for a New Age of higher consciousness, Fisher says. After terrible human suffering, an entirely new spiritual ethos will be introduced by adept spirits.

"Within the next 200 years, we will see the arrival of a universal process that will quicken human evolution and change the old world from its present preoccupation with the bestial pursuits of greed, violence and dominance over others to a New Age of super-cogitated beings," Fisher explains. "A new generation of adept children will be born who will exhibit such superhuman intelligence that they will replace traditional political functionaries in our present world's institutions."

Chief Oktaha's messages also describe how the human body will change and be able to live in space environments, leaving the earth as it is now to the animals. "We will be revolutionized as our evolution is quickened by influences of the fourth dimension," Fisher states.

An eye-opening glimpse at the connection between a modern clairvoyant and an Indian Chief from 140 years ago, Oktaha Speaks: The Third Prophecy spells out a possibility for the future of mankind.

Fisher has written one other book of prophecy, The Spirit Book: A Testament of the Final Days Before the New Days Begin.

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