Save Internet Radio Today on Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON, DC -- (MARKET WIRE) -- May 1, 2007 --

Who: Live365, the oldest and largest independent Internet radio broadcast platform (servicing some 10,000 small broadcasters), is fighting along with AOL, Apple, Real Networks and Yahoo! to pass the Internet Radio Equality Act (H.R. 2060). This legislation, introduced on Thursday, would ensure the future of Internet radio's existence by giving it equal footing with satellite radio in paying performance royalties of 7.5% (traditional radio does not pay performance royalties).

What: The Library of Congress is set to enact a groundbreaking ruling sought by the major recording labels via its industry lobbying arm, the RIAA, that would raise rates as much as 1200% and put most Internet broadcasters out of business or drive them offshore.

When: Live365 executives, including CEO N. Mark Lam, as well as many of its broadcast partners, will be participating in Walk on Capitol Hill whereby Internet broadcasters will personally visit members of Congress on Tuesday to raise awareness of this life-or-death proposition for the future of music on the Internet.

TUESDAY, MAY 1 - A "Hill Walk" will take place from 9 a.m. until noon, visiting Congressional leaders to seek added bipartisan support behind the bill, which was introduced by Reps. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) and Donald Manzullo (R-Ill.). Internet broadcasters will visit some 80 members of Congress to seek support for this bill.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 - CEO Mark Lam will be participating in the Future of Music conference at the Economic Policy Institute, 1333 H Street NW Washington, D.C. Lam will be available for interviews throughout this event and is expected to make a major announcement about Live365's involvement in this fight for equality.

Where: Washington, D.C.

To set up in-person or telephone interviews with Lam or other Live365 executives or artists, please contact Michael Terpin at 310-980-4676, On-site contact is Amy Orebaugh, 201-919-1344,

Contact Information: Contact: Michael Terpin 310-980-4676 Email Contact On-site contact: Amy Orebaugh 201-919-1344 Email Contact

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