Unique Gifts to Help Recovery Process

LONG ISLAND, NY--(Marketwire - May 31, 2007) - Instead of sending a perishable gift to a friend or loved one dealing with a health crisis, why not present a gift of lasting quality that can be used over and over to help them feel better? When you want to know "how to help or what to do" for someone going through a stressful time, unique help is just a few clicks away. Inner Vacations Tool Kits® has created kits including our most helpful and effective "tools" that have been regularly and successfully used to create a more focused, relaxed mind and healing body for optimal recovery and inner peace.

"I specifically designed three kits: Successful Surgery, Coping with Cancer, and Relaxation and Wellness," says Dale Weinert, PT & Founder of Inner Vacations Tool Kits. "As a cancer survivor, surgical patient, and health professional, I have witnessed the unhealthy impact a distressed and overwhelmed mind can have on the body. I learned it is possible to overcome fear and anxiety if you have the right 'tools.' I realized that I could help others recover and cope in the same way I did. That led to the creation of Inner Vacations Tool Kits."

Inner Vacations now offers the following three attractive, all-inclusive kits:

--   Successful Surgery
     "Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster," by Peggy Huddleston, M.T.S.;
     Calming Lavender Essential Oil; "Successful Surgery" Guided Imagery
     CD by Belleruth Naparstek; "Healing in Progress" Door Knob Sign;
     relaxing Eye Pillow with strap; Soothing Teas; Easy Breathing
     Exercises; and Helpful Suggestions to Ease Your Hospital Stay.

--   Coping with Cancer
     "Inner Peace for Busy People" by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.; Calming
     Lavender Oil; Daily Gratitude Journal; "Fight Cancer" Guided Imagery
     CD by Belleruth Naparstek; Eye Pillow with Strap; "Healing in
     Progress" Door Knob Sign and Breathing Exercises

--   Relaxation and Wellness
     "Inner Peace for Busy People" by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.; Calming
     Lavender Oil; Daily Gratitude Journal; "Relaxation and Wellness"
     Guided Imagery CD by Belleruth Naparstek; Eye Pillow with Strap;
     "Healing in Progress" Door Knob Sign and Breathing exercises
The company is donating a portion of proceeds from each purchase to their "Emergency Tool Kit Fund" that will provide Tool Kits to those individuals who are economically disadvantaged and who would not normally have the ability to purchase a kit.

Tool Kits cost only $74.95 and are available at www.InnerVacationsKits.com.

Contact Information: Contact: Alyssa Nightingale 631.367.8599 anight@att.net