As Water Resources Development Act Passes House, NCGA Urges Members to Keep Pressure On

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 1, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Under looming threat of a veto by President George W. Bush, the Water Resources Development Act conference report passed through the House of Representatives tonight. The 381-40 vote signals the overwhelming support for the measure, which includes authorization to modernize locks and dams on the Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers, said NCGA President Ken McCauley.

McCauley expressed disappointment in the president's veto threat. "This is not the time for a presidential veto; this bill is far too important for our nation's transportation needs and economic viability, and our elected officials know it. The bipartisan support in the House is proof of that."

House passage clears the way for the Senate to take up the measure, the final step before WRDA is sent to Bush's desk for signature. However, it remains to be seen if a filibuster by Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) or others will stall the bill. A filibuster would require a cloture vote to limit debate, possibly prolonging consideration by the Senate until it returns from August recess in September.

"It's not over yet," warned McCauley. "For more than a decade corn growers have been relentless in the pursuit of lock and dam modernization. I am urging all corn growers to keep the pressure on and to contact their Senators asking for immediate action on the Senate conference report. Senate leadership needs to hear from their colleagues that the bill can move through the process without objection."

Authorization for WRDA is long overdue. The year 2000 was the last time and authorization is expected to be renewed every two years. Failure to come to agreements on several proposals on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reform and environmental resources included in the legislation resulted in opposition and halted the approval process for the last five years.

"Year after year, the House has shown its commitment to WRDA," McCauley added. "Corn growers are very appreciative of the efforts of House conference committee members and its chairman James Oberstar."

The National Corn Growers Association's mission is to create and increase opportunities for corn growers. NCGA represents nearly 33,000 members, 45 affiliated state organizations and hundreds of thousands of growers who contribute to state checkoff programs. For more information, log on to

