New Book Dispels Old Diet Myths

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Aug. 23, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Red wine, dark chocolate and olive oil? These are good for me? "Absolutely!" says Todd Edward Parker, seasoned nutritional educator and author of the new book Change Your Life with the Mediterranean Diet, which can be found on and other bookstores.

"The latest scientific research is pretty exciting," explains Parker. "Red wine, dark chocolate and even coffee get their dark color from natural plant compounds called phytonutrients. It has been discovered that these substances protect the plant from various threats as it is growing, such as the sun's extreme heat or insects. The latest scientific studies show that phytonutrients also protect us from damaging free radicals and other threats to our health. That's why delicious items once shunned by dieters and the health-conscious can now be embraced, with moderation of course. A glass or two of red wine, for example, has been proven to be healthier than not drinking any red wine at all!"

"More than that," adds Parker, "the nutrient pattern of the Mediterranean diet has been shown to be superior to other nutrient patterns in preserving good health and preventing many diseases."

Parker's new book brings the Mediterranean nutrient pattern to life for the general public by explaining the scientific research and studies in clear, easy-to-understand phrasing. He also generously sprinkles helpful tips and pockets of information throughout the short chapters.

"I grew up on the Mediterranean diet," says Mary Ambrosio, 81, whose parents immigrated from Italy in the '20s. "At the time, who knew about the science behind it. We made our own tomato sauce and my dad made wonderful red wine. My sister and I even had to stomp on the grapes with rubber boots. Now I know a lot more about health and nutrition that I did not know as a child. Mr. Parker's book is wonderful. He talks about the science behind the Mediterranean diet in a very simple way. He makes the health benefits easy to understand and desire. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to be or stay healthy."

"Most readers are not 81!" laughs Parker, but quickly adds: "Good health is good health. It is not something to be taken for granted. I have a passion for helping people get and stay healthy. This book was one way to do that."

For more information about the book or the author, go to or call toll-free 866-673-3707.

About the Author: Todd Edward Parker is a health radio show host, and founder of MediOmega(tm), the first and only comprehensive nutritional supplements and system based on the heart-healthy Mediterranean nutrient pattern. Prior to founding MediOmega(tm), he was a nutritional educator and advisor to healthcare professionals for more than 15 years with Metagenics, Inc.

For more information, go to or call toll-free 866-673-3707.

