A total of 214.054 Trainers' House Plc's new shares have been subscribed with   
the C warrants issued in 2003. The subscriptions were made after 1 February 2006
and before 14 December 2007. The subscription price is EUR 1.11 as stipulated in
the Terms and Conditions of the Warrants. The subscription period for the       
warrants began on 1 February 2006 and ends on 1 February 2008.                  

The increase in capital stock has been registered in the Finnish Trade Register 
on 3 January 2008. As a result of these subscriptions Trainers' House's capital 
stock increases by EUR 4,500.16 and is EUR 871,441.83 and the number of shares  
is 74.791.429.                                                                  

The holders of the new shares are entitled to all shareholders' rights from the 
registration date. Listing of the new shares will be applied for at the Helsinki
Exchange together with old shares. Trading with the new shares will begin on or 
about 4 January 2008.                                                           

TRAINERS' HOUSE PLC                                                             

Antti Summa                                                                     
General Counsel                                                                 

FURTHER INFORMATION                                                             
Antti Summa, General Counsel, tel. +358 50 567 9713                             

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Prominent media sources