FCStone Group, Inc. Announces Strong First Quarter Results

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 14, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- FCStone Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:FCSX), a commodity risk management firm, today announced higher quarterly revenues and net income for its fiscal first quarter ending November 30, 2007.

First Quarter Results

Revenues, net of cost of commodities sold, a non-GAAP financial measure, were $73.7 million in the three months ended November 30, 2007, compared to $57.3 million in the prior year quarter, an increase of 29%. Net income increased to $13.1 million, or $0.45 per diluted share, for the first quarter, compared to $6.3 million, or $0.29 per diluted share, in the prior year quarter.

The following table presents results on a total and per share basis.

                         Financial Highlights
             (In thousands, except per share amounts)
                                                Three Months Ended
                                                   November 30,
                                              2006             2007
                                            --------         --------
 NON GAAP-Revenues,
  net of cost of commodities sold (1)        $57,348          $73,729
 GAAP-Income after minority interest
  and before income tax expense (1)          $10,114          $21,035
 GAAP-Net income (2)                          $6,314          $13,085
 Diluted weighted average shares
  outstanding                                 21,807           28,776
 Diluted earnings per share                    $0.29            $0.45

 (1) Amounts for the three months ended November 30, 2007 include a 
     net amount of $2.9 million for special or one-time items, which
     include a $0.5 million gain on the sale of Chicago Board Option
     Exchange (CBOE) trading rights and a $2.4 million gain on the
     sale of CME common stock.

 (2) Amounts for the three months ended November 30, 2007 include
     after tax effect of the items noted in (1) above of approximately
     $1.8 million 

The increase in first quarter revenues, net of cost of commodities sold, from the prior year first quarter, was primarily related to growth in exchange-traded volumes due to continued volatility in the grain and energy markets, higher over-the-counter (OTC) volumes primarily from energy, renewable fuels and Brazilian customers and higher interest income from additional investable segregated and OTC customer margin funds.

Costs and expenses, exclusive of cost of commodities sold, were higher compared to the prior year primarily due to higher volume-related costs of broker commissions and pit brokerage and clearing fees.

"We are very pleased with our first quarter results," said Pete Anderson, President and Chief Executive Officer of FCStone. "Our strong financial performance is a direct reflection of executing on our strategic initiatives in the core business segments of commodity risk management services as well as clearing and execution. Driven by the unprecedented volatility in the agriculture and energy markets, we anticipate continued demand for our services and products."

Operating Segments

FCStone's income (loss) before minority interest and income tax expense by segment and certain other data are outlined below for the periods noted.

                                                Three Months Ended
                                                    November 30,
                                                 2006            2007
                                               -------         -------
 Segment Data (1):                                 ($ in thousands)
 Income (loss) before minority interest
  and income tax expense:
 Commodity and Risk Management Services (1)     $7,564         $17,163
 Clearing and Execution Services                 3,609           5,156
 Financial Services                                 28              56
 Grain Merchandising                             1,120              --
 Corporate                                      (1,871)         (1,308)
                                               -------         -------
                                               $10,450         $21,067
                                               =======         =======
 Other Data:
 EBITDA (1)                                    $12,789         $22,647
 Exchange contract trading volume (in 
  millions)                                       13.4            23.3
 Customer Segregated Assets, end of period    $860,372      $1,079,235

 (1) Amounts for the three months ended November 30, 2007 include the 
     special or one-time items of a $2.4 million gain from the sale 
     of CME stock and a $0.5 million gain on the sale of CBOE trading 
     rights included in the Commodity and Risk Management Services 

In the Commodity and Risk Management Services segment, revenues, net of cost of commodities sold, were $37.3 million in the first quarter ended November 30, 2007, compared to $25.9 million in the prior year quarter, an increase of 44%. Segment income before minority interest and income tax for the first quarter 2008 increased to $17.2 million, compared to $7.6 million in the prior year quarter. Excluding one-time gains on the sale of exchange stock and trading rights, first quarter 2008 segment revenues, net of cost of commodities sold, were $34.4 million and segment income was $14.3 million.

For the Clearing and Execution Services segment, revenues, net of cost of commodities sold, were $33.0 million in the first quarter ended November 30, 2007, compared to $24.0 million in the prior year quarter, an increase of 38%. The segment made $5.2 million in the first quarter, compared to a net income of $3.6 million in the prior year quarter.

The Financial Services segment reported revenues, net of cost of commodities sold, of $2.0 million in the first quarter ended November 30, 2007, compared to $1.5 million in the prior year quarter, an increase of 28%. Segment income increased to $56 thousand for the first quarter, compared to $28 thousand in the prior year quarter.

As previously announced on June 1, 2007, the Company sold a portion of its stake in the Grain Merchandising segment business and now owns a 25% minority interest in this business instead of the previous 70% majority interest. Therefore, such business is no longer consolidated in the Company's financial statements but a 25% share of FGDI's income is included in the Corporate and Other segment and amounted to $1.3 million for the three months ended November 30, 2007.

"Our team has worked diligently towards achieving our strategic initiatives over the past several years," said Bill Dunaway, Chief Financial Officer. "We believe our revenue and earnings growth in 2007 are attributable to these efforts as well as the favorable industry environment in which we operate. As we move forward in 2008, we intend to build upon the momentum that we have generated while leveraging the industry dynamics that shape our current environment."

Business Outlook

Commenting on the Company's results and overall expectations, Anderson said, "The added financial capacity afforded by our successful IPO has allowed FCStone to accelerate several strategic growth initiatives. We continue to leverage our growing base of experienced consultants in both our traditional core markets as well as new industries such as renewable energy and international markets. Additionally, we have also demonstrated the ability to grow through acquisitions such as the recent transaction with Downes O'Neil, which significantly boosts our risk management presence in the dairy industry. Going forward, we will continue to evaluate potential acquisitions of firms that share the same interests and philosophies as FCStone."

Conference Call & Web Cast

A conference call will be held today, Monday, January 14, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. (ET). A live web cast of the conference call as well as a replay will be available online on the Company's corporate web site at http://www.fcstone.com. Participants can also access the call by dialing 800-218-0204 (within the United States and Canada), or 303-262-2140 (international callers). A replay of the call will be available approximately two hours after the call has ended and will be available until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Monday, January 28, 2008. To access the replay, dial 800-405-2236 (within the United States and Canada), or 303-590-3000 (international callers) and enter the conference ID number: 11106090.

About FCStone Group, Inc.

FCStone Group, Inc., along with its affiliates, is an integrated commodity risk management company providing risk management consulting and transaction execution services to commercial commodity intermediaries, end-users and producers. The firm assists primarily middle market customers in optimizing their profit margins and mitigating exposure to commodity price risk. In addition to risk management consulting services, FCStone, LLC, operates one of the leading independent clearing and execution platforms for exchange-traded futures and options contracts. FCStone Group, Inc., serves more than 7,500 customers and in the 12 months ended November 30, 2007, executed 71.8 million derivative contracts in the exchange-traded and over-the-counter markets. The FCStone Group companies work in all the major commodity areas including agriculture, energy, renewable fuels, foods, forestry, and currency exchange. Headquartered in the Midwest, it has offices located throughout the world and is a clearing member of all major North American Futures exchanges. FCStone Group, Inc., trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol "FCSX."

Forward Looking Statements

This press release may include forward-looking statements regarding, among other things, our plans, strategies and prospects, both business and financial. All statements other than statements of current or historical fact contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "should," "plan," "will," "may," "could," "intend," "estimate," "predict," "potential," "continue" or the negative of these terms and similar expressions, as they relate to FCStone Group, Inc., are intended to identify forward-looking statements.

We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. They can be affected by inaccurate assumptions, including the risks, uncertainties and assumptions described in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking statements in this press release may not occur and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. When you consider these forward-looking statements, you should keep in mind these risk factors and other cautionary statements in this press release.

Our forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Use of NON-GAAP Financial Information

In this press release we disclose "revenues, net of cost of commodities sold", and "EBITDA", both of which are non-GAAP financial measures. For purposes of Regulation G, a non-GAAP financial measure is a numerical measure of a company's performance, financial position, or cash flows that either excludes or includes amounts that are not normally excluded or included in the most directly comparable measure, calculated and prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United Sates (GAAP). Revenues, net of cost of commodities sold, is not a substitute for the GAAP measure of total revenues. EBITDA is not a substitute for the GAAP measure of net income or cash flows. Such non-GAAP financial measures are reconciled to its closest GAAP measure, in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission rules, and are included in the attached supplemental data. Management believes that these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to both management and its stockholders in their analysis of the company's business and operating performance.

                    (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                               Three Months Ended
                                                 November 30,
                                            2006                2007
                                          --------            --------
  Commissions and clearing fees           $ 32,903            $ 39,382
  Service, consulting and brokerage                      
   fees                                      9,095              16,274
  Interest                                   8,398              13,382
  Other                                        492               4,444
  Sales of commodities (1)                 448,788               2,079
                                          --------            --------
 Total revenues                            499,676              75,561
                                          --------            --------
 Costs and expenses:                                          
  Cost of commodities sold                 442,328               1,832
  Employee compensation and broker                       
   commissions                              11,791              13,256
  Pit brokerage and clearing fees           14,864              20,785
  Introducing broker commissions             7,369               7,328
  Employee benefits and payroll taxes        2,647               3,017
  Interest                                   2,239               1,256
  Bad debt expense                           1,420                  75
  Other expenses                             6,568               6,945
                                          --------            --------

 Total costs and expenses                  489,226              54,494
                                          --------            --------
 Income before income tax expense and                    
  minority interest                         10,450              21,067
 Minority interest                             336                  32
                                          --------            --------
 Income after minority interest and                      
  before income tax expense                 10,114              21,035
 Income tax expense                          3,800               7,950
                                          --------            --------
 Net income                               $  6,314            $ 13,085
                                          ========            ========
 Basic shares outstanding                   21,807              27,421
 Diluted shares outstanding                 21,807              28,776
 Basic earnings per share                 $   0.29            $   0.48
 Diluted earnings per share               $   0.29            $   0.45

 (1) On June 1, 2007 the Company sold a majority interest in FGDI, LLC,
     which represented our entire Grain Merchandising segment.
     Subsequent to such sale, the company retained a 25% interest in
     FGDI, LLC which is now accounted for on the equity method and 
     included in other revenues.  In the three months ended 
     November 30, 2006, sales of commodities, included $439.7 million 
     from FGDI, LLC.

                 (in thousands, except share amounts)

                                        November 30,      November 30,
                                           2006               2007  
                                        -----------       -----------

 Cash and cash equivalents
  Unrestricted                          $    90,053       $    49,638
  Segregated                                 14,250            14,146
 Commodity deposits and receivables                       
  Commodity exchanges and clearing                        
   organizations--customer segregated       686,441           751,577
  Proprietary commodity accounts             77,690           121,690
  Receivables from customers, net of                      
   allowance for doubtful accounts           16,868             9,487
                                        -----------       -----------
       Total commodity deposits and                       
        receivables                         780,999           882,754
                                        -----------       -----------
 Marketable securities, at fair value                     
  --customer segregated and other           307,828           335,714
 Counterparty deposits and trade                          
  accounts receivable, net of allowance                   
  for doubtful accounts                      20,746            72,956
 Open contracts receivable                  120,219           207,613
 Notes receivable and advances               49,291           116,342
 Exchange memberships and stock              10,366             7,504
 Plant, equipment, furniture, software                    
  and improvements, net of accumulated                    
  depreciation                                4,763            20,614
 Other assets                                21,679            42,025
                                        -----------       -----------
       Total assets                     $ 1,420,194       $ 1,749,306
                                        ===========       ===========


 Commodity and customer regulated                         
  accounts payable                      $   935,515       $ 1,031,167
 Trade accounts payable and advances        115,145           173,683
 Open contracts payable                     121,101           200,944
 Accrued expenses                            38,632            42,697
 Notes payable and repurchase                             
  obligations                                35,133           111,404
 Subordinated debt                            1,000             1,000
                                        -----------       -----------
       Total liabilities                  1,246,526         1,560,895
                                        -----------       -----------
 Minority interest                               --             2,309
 Stockholders' equity:                                    
 Common stock, $0.0001 par value,                         
  authorized 40,000,000 at August 31,                     
  2007 and November 30, 2007,                            
  respectively; issued and outstanding                   
  27,416,567 and 27,455,743 shares                      
  at August 31, 2007 and November                       
  30, 2007, respectively                    104,267           104,484
 Additional paid-in capital                   1,115             1,946
 Treasury stock                                (376)             (387)
 Accumulated other comprehensive loss        (3,620)           (5,016)
 Retained earnings                           72,282            85,075
                                        -----------       -----------
       Total stockholders' equity           173,668           186,102
                                        -----------       -----------

       Total liabilities and                              
        stockholders' equity            $ 1,420,194       $ 1,749,306
                                        ===========       ===========

                              (in thousands)

                                               Three Months Ended
                                                 November 30,
                                              2006             2007
                                           ---------        ---------
 Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                               $   6,314       $   13,085
  Depreciation                                   436              356
  Amortization of discount on note                       
   receivable                                    (14)              (9)
  Loss on cancellation of warrants                --              110
  Gain on sale of exchange memberships                   
   and stock                                      --           (2,885)
  Stock compensation                              --              330
  Equity in earnings of affiliates,                      
   net of distributions                          108             (991)
  Minority interest                              336               32
  Excess tax benefit of stock option                     
   exercises                                      --             (501)
  Change in commodity accounts                           
   receivable/payable, marketable                        
   securities and customer segregated                    
   funds, net                                  2,813          (33,885)
  Change in open contracts receivable/                   
   payable, net                              (41,563)          (7,551)
  Increase in trade accounts receivable                  
   and advances on grain                     (21,549)            (693)
  Increase in counterparty deposits and                  
   accounts receivable                       (19,361)         (51,517)
  Increase in other assets                   (34,149)         (15,656)
  Increase in trade accounts payable                     
   and advances                               22,966           58,538
  (Decrease) increase in accrued                         
    expenses                                    (768)           1,907
                                           ---------        ---------
     Net cash used in operating 
       activities                          $ (84,431)         (38,829)
                                           ---------        ---------
 Cash flows from investing activities:                   
   Purchase of furniture, equipment,                     
    software and improvements                   (683)          (1,622)
   Acquisition of majority interest in                   
    subsidiary, net of cash acquired              --               88
   Issuance of notes receivable, net         (75,005)         (67,042)
   Proceeds from the sale of exchange                    
    memberships and stock                         --            3,402
   Purchase of exchange memberships and                  
    stock                                     (1,350)              --
                                           ---------        ---------
     Net cash used in investing                          
      activities                             (77,038)         (65,174)
                                           ---------        ---------
 Cash flows from financing activities:                   
  Increase in checks written in excess                   
   of bank balance                               542               --
  Proceeds from note payable, net            141,859           62,881
  Proceeds from exercises of stock                       
   options                                        --              217
  Excess tax benefit of stock option                     
   exercises                                      --              501
  Treasury stock acquired                         --              (11)
  Payments under capital lease                  (137)              --
  Proceeds from subordinated debt              1,000               --
  Monies deposited in escrow                     (42)              --
                                           ---------        ---------
     Net cash provided by financing                      
      activities                             143,222           63,588
                                           ---------        ---------
     Net decrease in cash and cash                       
      equivalents - unrestricted             (18,247)         (40,415)
 Cash and cash equivalents -                             
  unrestricted - beginning of period          59,726           90,053
                                           ---------        ---------
 Cash and cash equivalents -                             
  unrestricted - end of period             $  41,479        $  49,638
                                           =========        =========
 Supplemental disclosures of cash flow                   
     Interest paid                         $   1,550        $   1,172
     Income taxes paid                     $   1,344        $   2,742
                                           =========        =========

 Non-GAAP Financial Measures
    The following table reconciles revenues, net of cost of commodities
    sold, with our total revenues.

                                               Three Months Ended
                                                   November 30,
                                               2006          2007
                                            -----------   ------------
                                                 (in thousands)
   Commissions and clearing fees             $  32,903      $  39,382
   Service, consulting and brokerage fees        9,095         16,274
   Interest                                      8,398         13,382
   Other                                           492          4,444
   Sales of commodities                        448,788          2,079
                                             ---------      ---------
 Total revenues                                499,676         75,561
 Less: Cost of commodities sold                442,328          1,832
                                             ---------      ---------
 Revenues, net of cost of commodities sold   $  57,348      $  73,729
                                            ==========      =========
   The following table reconciles EBITDA with our net income.  
                                               Three Months Ended
                                                   November 30,
                                               2006          2007
                                            -----------   ------------
                                                 (in thousands)
 Net income:                                 $   6,314      $  13,085
  Plus: interest expense                         2,239          1,256
  Plus: depreciation and amortization              436            356
  Plus income tax expense                        3,800          7,950
                                             ---------      ---------
 EBITDA                                      $  12,789      $  22,647
                                             =========      =========

             Commodity and Risk Management Services Segment:
   The following table provides the financial performance for this 

                                               Three Months Ended
                                                  November 30,
                                               2006           2007
                                             ---------      ---------
                                                   (in thousands)
 Sales of commodities                        $   2,542      $      --
 Cost of commodities sold                        2,460             --
                                             ---------      ---------
   Gross profit on commodities sold                 82             --
   Commissions and clearing fees                12,918         11,897
   Service, consulting and brokerage fees        9,217         16,350
   Interest                                      3,646          6,116
   Other (1)                                        55          2,913
                                             ---------      ---------
 Revenues, net of cost of commodities sold      25,918         37,276

 Costs and expenses:
   Expenses (excluding interest expense)        18,225         20,110
   Interest expense                                129              3
                                             ---------      ---------
      Total costs and expenses (excluding 
       cost of commodities sold)                18,354         20,113
                                             ---------      ---------
   Segment income before minority 
    interest and income taxes                $   7,564      $  17,163
                                             =========      =========

 (1) Includes $2.9 million from the combined gain on the sale of CME
     stock and CBOE trading rights.

                   Clearing and Execution Segment:
  The following table provides the financial performance for this 

                                               Three Months Ended
                                                  November 30,
                                               2006            2007
                                             ---------      ---------
                                                  (in thousands)
 Sales of commodities                        $      --      $      --
 Cost of commodities sold                           --             --
                                             ---------      ---------
   Gross profit on commodities sold                 --             --
   Commissions and clearing fees                20,190         27,668
   Service, consulting and brokerage fees           --             --
   Interest                                      3,831          5,370
   Other                                            --             --
                                             ---------      ---------
 Revenues, net of cost of commodities sold      24,021         33,038

 Costs and expenses:
   Expenses (excluding interest expense)        20,274         27,861
   Interest expense                                138             21
                                             ---------      ---------
      Total costs and expenses (excluding 
        cost of commodities sold)               20,412         27,882
                                             ---------      ---------
   Segment income before minority 
    interest and income taxes                $   3,609      $   5,156
                                             =========      =========

                         Financial Services Segment:
      The following table provides the financial performance of this 

                                                 Three Months Ended
                                                    November 30,
                                                  2006          2007
                                                --------      --------
                                                   (in thousands)
 Sales of commodities                           $  6,558      $     --
 Cost of commodities sold                          6,530            --
                                                --------      --------
  Gross profit on commodities sold                    28            --
  Commissions and clearing fees                       --            --
  Service, consulting and brokerage fees              --            --
  Interest                                         1,187         1,582
  Other                                              322           382
                                                --------      --------
 Revenue, net cost of commodities sold             1,537         1,964
 Costs and expenses:                                       
  Expenses (excluding interest expense)              533           648
  Interest expense                                   976         1,260
                                                --------      --------
     Total costs and expenses (excluding                   
      cost of commodities sold)                    1,509         1,908
                                                --------      --------
  Segment income (loss) before                          
   minority interest and income taxes           $     28      $     56
                                                ========      ========

                    Grain Merchandising Segment: (1)
    The following table provides the financial performance of this 

                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                     November 30,
                                                  2006          2007
                                                --------      --------
                                                   (in thousands) 
 Sales of commodities                           $439,688      $     --
 Cost of commodities sold                        433,512            --
                                                --------      --------
  Gross profit on commodities sold                 6,176            --
  Commissions and clearing fees                       --            --
  Service, consulting and brokerage fees              --            --
  Interest                                            35            --
  Other                                              145            --
                                                --------      --------
 Revenue, net cost of commodities sold             6,356            --
 Costs and expenses:                                       
  Expenses (excluding interest expense)            4,030            --
  Interest expense                                 1,206            --
                                                --------      --------
     Total costs and expenses (excluding                   
       cost of commodities sold)                   5,236            --
                                                --------      --------
  Segment income (loss) before                          
   minority interest and income taxes           $  1,120      $     --
                                                ========      ======== 
 (1) On June 1, 2007 the Company sold a majority interest in FGDI,
     LLC, which represented our entire Grain Merchandising segment.
     Subsequent to such sale, the company retained a 25% interest in
     FGDI, LLC which is now accounted for on the equity method and 
     included in the Corporate and Other segment.

                 Quarterly Financial Highlights:
      The following table provides summary financial highlights
         for the quarters ended November 30, 2006 and 2007.

                                                Three Months Ended 
                                                   November 30,
                                              2006              2007
                                            --------         --------
                                                ($ in thousands)
 NON GAAP-Revenues, net of cost of 
  commodities sold (1)(2)                    $57,348          $73,729
 GAAP-Income after minority interest                     
  and before income tax expense (2)          $10,114          $21,035
 GAAP-Net income (2)                          $6,314          $13,085
 (1) The three months ended November 30, 2007 include $1.3 million of 
     revenues, net of cost of commodities sold from our 25% interest 
     in FGDI, LLC (formerly our Grain Merchandising segment). The 
     three months ended November 30th, 2006 included revenues, net of 
     the cost of commodities sold of 6.4 million from such Grain
     Merchandising segment, which had been consolidated prior to the
     sale of our  majority interest in FGDI, LLC.

 (2) The three months ended November 30, 2007 included a pre-tax gain 
     on the sale of CME stock of $2.4 million and a pre-tax gain of 
     $0.5 million on the sale of CBOE trading rights.  Without these 
     items our first quarter income after minority interest and before
     income tax expense would have been $18.1 million and Net Income
     would have been $11.3 million.


