Xcerion's Social 'Cloud OS' in the Sky -- icloud

LINKOPING, Sweden, Feb. 20, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Xcerion AB, the innovator of the worlds leading "Cloud OS" service, today announced that its official launch name is icloud.

Daniel Arthursson, CEO of Xcerion, said, "We feel proud to announce the icloud brand for our 'Cloud OS'. icloud represents our social, open, connected and always reachable service for consumers. The developer beta, launched in Q3 2007, is currently available to many tens of thousands of users from 165 countries."

"I believe that cloud computing ultimately will change how people approach computers and what is actually considered a computer. icloud as a Cloud OS has the potential to allow users, both at business and home, to have a simpler and more effective way of interacting with applications and storing data," said Lou Perazzoli, one of the original architects of Microsoft Windows NT, former General Manager of the Microsoft Core OS group and an early Xcerion investor.

Terry Drayton, an early Xcerion investor and advisory board member, Founder of Ramp Technology Group and Founder of HomeGrocer.com, said, "The technology powering icloud is amazing and it could really be a paradigm-changing software, it could change the way applications are developed in much the way that Java did."

Applications available in the developer beta include; Presentation, Instant Messaging, Browser, Calendar, Balanced Scorecard, Money Manager, RSS, MediaPlayer, Community, Calculator and File Storage with online sharing and collaboration.

The goal is to develop and launch one application per month. icloud will have over 50 of the worlds most used applications online before the end of 2009 (applications developed by external developers and third parties not counted). "We have the resources and the rapid development tools of icloud to really make this possible," said Daniel Arthursson.

icloud enables any current online application or web site to run on it. Developers may stand on the shoulders of others - all application source code is viewable - the source that triggered the expansion of the web. With our new slogan - "Join us in the Cloud - icloud" - we would like to invite everybody to play a part in the world's first social OS.

About Xcerion and icloud

Founded in 2001 by Daniel Arthursson, Xcerion AB provides the worlds leading "Cloud OS" as a Web 2.0 service.

The icloud service includes a complete OS, productivity tools and applications needed for everyday computing. The technology powering icloud is built on seven years of R&D.

Xcerion is based in Linkoping, Sweden. The key management team includes, Daniel Arthursson, CEO, Jonas Thornholm, CFO and Marcus Bristav, CTO. Xcerion is privately held and venture funded by Northzone Ventures, Scandinavia's leading Venture Capital firm with US $450 million under management. Other investors include; Lou Perazzoli, one of the original architects of Microsoft Windows NT and former General Manager of the Microsoft Core OS group, John Connors a partner at Ignition Partners LLC, and former CFO and CIO of Microsoft and Terry Drayton, the founder and former CEO of HomeGrocer.com. Visit http://icloud.com

