Trainers' House Plc starts at solid ground                                      

-Record year for both Satama Interactive Plc and Trainers' House Oy 
-The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting that a 
dividend of EUR 0.04 per share will be paid.                                    
-Net debt including loan (EUR 34.0 million) for the acquisition of Trainers' 
House amounted to EUR 17.2 million at the end of the year.                      

Satama's financial year 2007
-Satama made the best operating profit in its history. The operating profit was 
EUR 2.6 million including the operating profit of the divested Dutch operations 
from the period of January - October 2007. 
-The IFRS adjusted operating profit from continuing operations (excluding 
Holland)was EUR 2.1 million or 7.1% of net sales (EUR 0.2 million, 0.7% of net  
-Net sales from continuing operations (excluding Holland) amounted to EUR 30.0 
million (EUR 28.4 million), representing 5.6% growth from the previous year. The
growth was entirely organic.                                                    
-Net profit for 2007 was EUR 8.7 million (EUR 0.1 million). The financial
result was influenced positively by the divestment of Satama's Dutch operations
and an increase in deferred tax receivable. The deferred tax receivable
concerning the Finnish group companies has been entered in the maximum amount
of EUR 9.1 million at 31 December 2007. The booking has been done with the
assumption that all confirmed losses can be utilized within the period of
validity. The Group's confirmed losses in Finland as of 31 December 2006
amounted to EUR 37.3 million. 
-Earnings per share for continuing operations amounted to EUR 0.1 (EUR 0.0). 

Satama's October - December 2007 
-The corporate structure of Satama Interactive Plc changed fundamentally in the 
last quarter. Satama purchased the entire share capital of Trainers' House Oy   
and divested Satama's Dutch operations. Trainers' House Oy merged into Satama on
31 December 2007. In connection with the merger, the combined company adopted   
the trade name Trainers' House Plc.                                             
-Satama sold its Dutch operations for a total consideration of EUR 8.1 million. 
The transaction resulted in a non-recurring EUR 3.3 million capital gain in     
Satama's fourth quarter earnings.                                               
-In the last quarter, Satama's net sales from continuing operations amounted to 
EUR 8.2 million (EUR 8.6 million) and the operating profit was EUR 0.7 million  
(EUR 0.6 million).   

Trainers' House Oy 2007 (not included in the official figures) 
-Trainers' House Oy made the best operating profit in its history. 
-FAS net sales amounted to EUR 18.0 million (EUR 15.0 million). FAS operating 
profit amounted to EUR 6.0 million (EUR 5.4 million) or 33.4% of net sales      
(36.2%). The operating profit includes EUR 1.1 million of non-recurring costs   
related to the merger of Satama and Trainers' House.                            
-The IFRS adjusted operating profit of Trainers' House Oy amounted to EUR 5.1 
million representing 29.5% of net sales. IFRS net sales amounted to EUR 17.5    

The new Trainers' House Plc 2007 (pro forma of Satama and Trainers' House Oy)
-The pro forma income statement of the combined company describes the result of 
the combined company, had the merger taken place on 1 January 2007.             
-Net sales for 2007 would have amounted to EUR 46.6 million. Profit before 
depreciations and amortization (EBITDA) would have amounted to EUR 8.4 million  
or 18.0% of net sales.                                                          
-The operating profit, which includes a depreciation of EUR 3.1 million 
intangible rights included in the acquisition cost of Trainers' House Oy, would 
have amounted to EUR 4.2 million or 9.0% of net sales.                          
-Cash flow from operations would have been EUR 8.3 million. The calculation of 
the pro forma profit is in more detail described below.                         

Key figures  
-45% of the acquisition cost of Trainers' House was financed with bank loans.
The company had EUR 34.3 million of interest-bearing debt (EUR 0.4 million) on
31 December 2007. At the end of 2007, the company's liquid assets amounted to
EUR 17.1 million (EUR 0.5 million). At the end of 2007, the equity ratio was
56.0% (71.9%) and net gearing 27.6% (-0.9%). 

OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE                                                          

The pro forma operating profit prior the depreciation of fair value adjustments 
of the purchase price of Trainers' House was EUR 7.3 million, 15.6% of net      
sales. The company expects the comparable operating profit to be higher than    
last year.                                                                      

CEO JARI SARASVUO ON THE FINANCIAL REPORT                                       

Judging by the intensity that my colleagues are working and the shine in our    
customers' eyes, I have a firm belief in our right to dream about a future far  
beyond what we are capable of today.                                            

Growth Systems are a promising concept in a situation where the never ending    
competition constantly stalks everybody, all the time. Regardless of the company
or its competitive position, we are able to generate more leads, more deals and 
more quality to the co-operation amongst the personnel and the customers. Our   
story is gaining more and more attention domestically as well as                

For our customers this is naturally not just about the money. Organizations have
resources that have been distributed unevenly and unfairly: know-how, contacts, 
workload, credibility, rewards, opportunities - and first and foremost, time and
energy. We believe that a more sensible and fair distribution of work, as well  
as involving and rewarding ever larger groups of people are the inevitable      
future of work. 
Growth management systems combined with training and marketing will benefit the
wellbeing of the community as well as the success of the company. At the end of
the day what is at stake is a good life - for individual, for organization and
for the society. 

I believe in our dream and the people behind it. It looks that many customers   
who usually are quite critical, now seem to agree with us. A good idea,         
demanding customers and people willing to learn - the rest is just work!        

But there are also reasons to wake up in the middle of the night to worry. This
is not going to be a walk in the park. Business environment has become more 
turbulent. Competitors may be able to gather speed even faster than we are.
The customers may get lost on their way home. We won't be able to do everything 

However, love of our fellow employees and of our common story helps to keep the
nightmares at distance. 

For more information, please contact:                                           
Jari Sarasvuo, CEO, tel. +358 (0)500 665 666                                    
Mirkka Vikström, CFO, tel. +358 (0)50 376 1115  

Press conference:                                                               

Trainers' House will hold a press and analyst conference regarding the financial
statements bulletin on 26 February, at noon-1 pm, at the company's head office  
located at Porkkalankatu 11, Helsinki. Those wishing to participate should      
contact Mia Luostarinen, tel. +358 (0)40 755 6146 or e-mail                                                           

The press conference will be webcasted live and can be viewed at        - Investors on 26 February 2008 starting at noon (available
in Finnish only).                                                               


REVIEW OF OPERATIONS                                                            

Trainers' House Plc (TH Group) is a Growth System Company formed by the merger  
of Satama Interactive Plc (Satama) and Trainers' House Oy (TH Oy) on 31 December
2007. The acquisition is described in more detail below.                        

The official figures presented in this report include Satama's continuing       
operations for the period 1 January - 31 December 2007 in such a way that the   
financial result of TH Oy is included in the official figures for the last two  
months for the 45% ownership share. The result is presented on the line “Share  
from profit/loss of associated companies”. The balance sheet of TH Oy is        
included in its entirety in the official balance sheet of 31 December 2007.     

Satama's Dutch operations were divested on December 2007. The financial result  
of the Dutch operations from the beginning of 2007 to the date of the divestment
agreement as well as the related capital gain are presented on the line         
“Profit/loss from divested operations in 2007”. The figures for 2006 have been  
adjusted to correspond with this presentation method.                           

Official figures 2007                                                           

The profitability of Satama's continuing operations improved significantly in   
2007, and the company's operating profit was clearly the best in its 10-year    
history. The operating profit from continuing operations was EUR 2.1 million or 
7.1% of net sales (EUR 0.2 million, 0.7% of net sales). The Dutch operating     
profit eliminated from the continuing operations was EUR 0.5 million for the    
period of January - October 2007.                                               

Satama's net sales from continuing operations increased by 5.6%, amounting to   
EUR 30.0 million (EUR 28.4 million). The growth was entirely organic. Net profit
for 2007 was EUR 8.7 million (EUR 0.1 million).                                 

The result was negatively affected by the net result of items related to the    
share purchase of TH Oy, amounting to EUR 0.4 million. These items were entered 
for the period of two months from the acquisition date until the end of 2007.   
The items include a share of the result of the associated company (EUR 0.1      
million), interest on the financing of the share purchase (EUR -0.3 million), as
well as the depreciation of intangible assets related to the acquisition (EUR   
-0.2 million). The result was positively affected by the divestment of Satama's 
Dutch operations, amounting to EUR 3.8 million (including a capital gain of EUR 
3.3 million).                                                                   

The financial result was also influenced by an increase in deferred tax         
receivables. The deferred tax assets are recognized in the balance sheet in the 
extent that the company will likely be able to utilize in the future against    
taxable income. The management of the TH Group expects that all confirmed losses
from the Finnish companies can be utilized within their period of validity. A   
tax receivable dated 31 December 2007 has therefore been entered in the maximum 
amount from the Finnish companies, EUR 9.1 million. The Group's confirmed losses
in Finland as of 31 December 2006 amounting to EUR 37.3 million.                

Trainers House Oy 2007                                                          

The net sales of TH Oy amounted to EUR 17.5 million, while the operating profit 
was EUR 5.1 million and the net profit for 2007 was EUR 4.9 million. The result 
includes non-recurring costs related to the merger of Satama and TH Oy in the   
amount of EUR 1.1 million. Net profit also includes increase in value in        
Satama's shares worth EUR 1.4 million. The figures for 2007 have been adjusted  
to comply with IFRS regulations. No comparative figures are available, because  
the IFRS standard was only adopted for the 2007 Financial Statements.           

Pro forma income statement 2007                                                 

The pro forma income statement of the merged company describes the result of the
merged company, had the merger taken place on 1 January 2007. The pro forma     
result is theoretical.                                                          

The following table presents the official IFRS result of Satama's continuing    
operations for 2007 only. Taxes are excluded since they are mainly calculatroy. 
Items affecting the pro forma result are presented in the column “Adjustments”. 
Mutual items have been eliminated before operating profit. Another item         
affecting the financial result was the depreciation of intangible assets, EUR   
3.1 million, resulting from the allocation of acquisition cost. The change in   
the value of Satama's shares owned by TH Oy has been eliminated from the        
financing costs. The financing costs include calculated interest expenses for   
the entire year. In addition, the share of TH Oy's profit included in Satama's  
official figures has been eliminated from the figures presented on the line     
“Share from profit/loss of associated companies”.                               

Figures for Satama and TH Oy and the pro forma figures are itemized in the      
following table (in thousands of Euros):                                        

                           Satama    House Oy    Adjustments    Total           
Net Sales                  29,989      17,455        -838      46,606           
  Personnel related                                                             
  Expenses                -18,663      -6,504                 -25,167           
  Other expenses           -8,493      -5,385         838     -13,040           
EBITDA                      2,833       5,567                   8,399           
% of net sales                9.4        31.9                    18.0           
  Depreciation               -713        -420      -3,090      -4,223           
EBIT                        2,119       5,147      -3,090       4,176           
% of net sales                7.1        29.5                     9.0           
  Financial income             62       1,641      -1,357         346           
  Financial expenses         -321         -63      -1,579      -1,962           
  Share from profit/loss                                                        
  of associated companies    -103                     103           0           
Profit before tax           1,758       6,725      -5,922       2,560           
% of net sales                5.9        38.5                     5.5           

Satama's share of the result of TH Oy (kEUR -103) comprises the following three 
items: the 45% share of the profit of TH Oy for the last two months of 2007 was 
kEUR 66, the 45% share of the depreciation of acquisition cost in TH Oy in the  
same period was kEUR -229 and the resulting tax liability was kEUR +59. The     
result of the associated company was poor during the last two months despite the
otherwise excellent year. Reasons behind the poor performance in the last two   
months include the fact that all bonuses were paid in December, and the         
transaction expenses related to the share purchase were mainly entered for the  
last two months.                                                                

ACQUISITION OF TRAINERS' HOUSE OY                                               

The new Trainers' House Plc (TH Group) was formed when Satama Interactive Plc   
(Satama), a company listed on the Nordic Stock Exchange (OMX, Helsinki) under   
the symbol SAI1V was merged with Trainers' House Oy (TH Oy). In connection with 
the merger, the trade name of the combined company became Trainers' House Oyj,  
in Swedish Trainers' House Abp and in English Trainers' House Plc. The stock    
exchange symbol became TRH1V. The merger was carried out in two phases. In the  
first phase, Satama purchased from the shareholders of TH Oy approximately 45%  
of the shares in TH Oy at the price of EUR 33.1 million on 6 November 2007. The 
share purchase was financed entirely with bank loans.                           

In the second phase, on 31 December 2007, TH Oy was merged into Satama through  
an absorption merger and the current shareholders of TH Oy received 33,340,567  
new Satama shares for consideration of the remaining 55% of the shares in TH Oy.
Satama's share capital was not increased in connection with the merger. The     
increase in Satama's shareholders' equity was recorded in the distributable     
non-restricted equity fund. The shares paid as merger consideration were        
registered in the Trade Register on 31 December 2007 and immediately granted all
shareholder rights. At the time of the merger, these shares accounted for 44.7% 
of the company's share capital and votes.                                       

Based on the trading price of the merger date, the purchase price amounted to   
EUR 74.7 million. On the IFRS balance sheet of 31 December 2007, the market     
capitalization includes net cash, Satama shares and other liquid investments    
amounting to EUR 16.4 million. The acquisition cost generated goodwill in the   
amount of EUR 43.7 million. The allocated acquisition cost amounted to EUR 19.9 
million, of which the useful life of customer relationships and lists is        
estimated to be five years (EUR 5.8 million), non-competition and other         
agreements three to five years (EUR 3.4 million) and the order book one year    
(EUR 1.1 million) in accordance with the duration of projects. The useful life  
of trademarks (EUR 9.6 million) is considered unlimited. Intangible assets with 
unlimited useful life are not subject to depreciation but are tested annually   
for impairment.                                                                 

At the time the merger came into effect, the combined company's management was  
changed as announced previously:                                                

The Board of Directors appointed Jari Sarasvuo as the company's CEO effective 31
December 2007. At the same time, Sarasvuo resigned from the Board of Directors. 
The previous CEO of Satama Interactive Plc, Jarmo Lönnfors, continues as the    
Managing Director responsible for marketing and management systems. The previous
CEO of Trainers' House Oy, Vesa Honkanen, continues as the Managing Director    
responsible for training. In accordance with the decision of the Extraordinary  
General Meeting, Kai Seikku became a member of the company's Board of Directors 
on 31 December 2007.                                                            

MARKET AND INDUSTRY REVIEW                                                      

The merged companies Trainers' House Oy (TH Oy) and Satama Interactive Plc      
(Satama) have been strong operators in their respective fields in Finland.      
Satama has also been one of the key companies in its field in Europe. The new   
Trainers' House Plc (TH Group) combines the training expertise of the old TH Oy 
with the marketing and online technologies development expertise of Satama into 
a Growth System.                                                                

The company's product offering is unique in the markets, and there are no real  
competitors offering a similar service concept. The company's potential         
competitors include, for example, training companies and advertising agencies in
Finland and abroad.                                                             

Growth management systems play a key role in the future growth and success of TH
Group. Growth management systems are software products sold to customers as     
continuous services. At the early stage, these continuous SaaS-services         
(Software as a Service) have a minor role in the company's net sales. In        
customer projects traditional project work is still the delivery model in use.  
However, the share of continuous services is expected to increase rapidly in the

The company's first continuous service, Growth System BLARP (Business Live      
Action Role Play) has been well received in the markets. First five customer    
contracts have been signed. In addition, there are over one hundred ongoing     
BLARP sales cases in progress. The commercialization and the proof of the       
concept is happening together with customers.                                   

TH Group aims to ensure that its customers have a clear mission, strategy and   
quantifiable marketing activities. Through training, the benefits of marketing  
are transferred efficiently to the entire organization. Growth management       
systems are used to manage and measure the achievement of targets. We believe   
that the strong position of TH Group as a provider of training as well as       
user-friendly and innovative systems services creates a solid foundation for the
company to become a powerful player also in the new market area of continuous   

The demand for the services of TH Group is affected by the general economic     
climate as well as the need to strengthen the role of sales and marketing in    
customer organizations. This development need does not depend much on economic  
cycles. To succeed, companies must invest in sales and marketing in both good   
and bad times.                                                                  

Our key strengths include a strong cash flow, unique product offering, highly   
skilled personnel, broad distribution of sales responsibilities across the      
organization, systematic management of sales, and the ability to change the     
internal and external operating environment of customer organizations through   
our services.                                                                   

TH Group is an established operator in Finland, but we aim to grow also         
internationally through organic growth and acquisitions.                        

LONG-TERM TARGETS                                                               

The company's Board of Directors has set the following long-term financial      
objectives for Trainers' House Plc:                                             

The company will target 15% annual organic growth of net sales and 15% operating
profit, and will aim to pay 30-50% of its annual profit as a dividend.          

We expect to meet these targets when our Growth System concepts are finalized   
and internationalized.                                                          


General market situation in the operating environment of the company is         
uncertain, which may affect the buying decision of the customers and therefore, 
to TH Group's financial position. Otherwise the company does not identify any   
extraordinary risks in the near future, that could have an essential negative   
impact to company's growth and profitability.                                   

TH Group is an expert organization. Market and business risks are part of       
regular business operations and therefore, the extent of risks caused by market 
and business risks is difficult to define. Typical risks in this field are      
associated with the economic instability and development, distribution of       
clientele, technological selection, development of competitive situation and the
development of personnel expenses.                                              

Risks are managed through efficient planning and regular controlling of sales   
and personnel resources which enables quick adjustment to changes in operational

About risks                                                                     

TH Group is an expert organization. Market and business risks are part of       
regular business operations, and their extent is difficult to define. Typical   
risks in this field are associated with, for example, general economic          
development, distribution of the clientele, technology choices, and development 
of the competitive situation and personnel expenses. Risks are managed through  
the efficient planning and regular monitoring of sales, human resources and     
business costs, enabling a quick response to changes in the operating           

The success of TH Group as an expert organization also depends on its ability to
attract and retain skilled employees. Personnel risks are managed with          
competitive salaries and incentive schemes as well as investments in employee   
training, career opportunities, and general job satisfaction.                   

Risks are discussed in more detail on the company's website at          - Investors.                                               

REPORTING PRINCIPLES                                                            

Accounting principles for media services                                        

Satama's service offering includes media services related to, for example,      
measurement and analytics, which are purchased from external service providers. 
As the portion of these services in Satama's service offering has been          
increasing, the company decided to change the accounting principles for media   
services from gross to net basis as of 1 January 2007. Under these principles,  
only the mark-up portion of media services is included in net sales. The        
financial information for 2006 has been adjusted to comply with the new         
accounting principles.                                                          

The sale of Dutch operations                                                    

The net profit of the company's Dutch operations from the beginning of 2007 to  
the date of the divestment agreement and the related non-recurring capital gain 
are presented as a single item on the line “Profit/loss from divested operations
in 2007”. The financial information for 2006 has been adjusted to comply with   
the new accounting principles.                                                  

Trainers' House Oy in the financial statement                                   

The financial result of TH Oy is included in the official figures for the last  
two months for the 45% ownership share. The result is presented on the line     
“Share from profit/loss of associated companies”.                               

NET SALES AND PROFIT DEVELOPMENT                                                

During the period under review, Satama's net sales increased by 5.6%, amounting 
to EUR 30.0 million (EUR 28.4 million). Operating profit (EBIT) was EUR 2.1     
million (EUR 0.2 million). Net profit for the period under review was EUR 8.7   
million (EUR 0.1 million).                                                      

The following table itemizes the Group's key figures (in thousands of Euros):   

                                    2007            2006 
Net sales                          29,989          28,395                       
  expenses                        -18,663         -18,729                       
  Other expenses                   -8,493          -8,836                       
EBITDA                              2,833             830                       
  Depreciation                       -713            -643                       
EBIT                                2,119             187                       
% of net sales                        7.1             0.7                       
  Financial income and expenses      -259              15                       
  Share from profit/loss of                                                     
  associated company                 -103              -4                       
Profit/loss before tax              1,758             198                       
  Tax                               3,082            -147                       
Net profit for 2007                                                             
Continuing operations               4,839              51                       
Discontinued operations             3,822              32                       
Net profit for 2007                 8,661              83                       
% of net sales                       28.9             0.3    

*) The tax included in the income statement is deferred. Taxes have been entered
in the income statement for 2007 in such a way that the deferred tax assets from
the Finnish companies cover all confirmed losses from the previous years.       

The following table itemizes the distribution of net sales for continuing       
operations and shows the quarterly profits or losses from the beginning of 2006 
(in thousands of Euros). In the table, net sales are adjusted to comply with    
Satama's new accounting principles for media services, as adopted on 1 January  

             Q106  Q206  Q306  Q406  2006  Q107  Q207  Q307  Q407  2007         
Net sales    6608  7603  5601  8583 28395  8070  7812  5945  8161 29989         
profit       -218  -527   305   628   187   403   705   287   724  2119         

FINANCING, INVESTMENTS AND SOLVENCY                                             

At the end of the year, the TH Group's liquid assets amounted to EUR 17.1       
million (EUR 0.5 million). The equity ratio was 56.0% (71.9%) and net gearing   
27.6 (-0.9%). The first phase in the acquisition of TH Oy was financed entirely 
with bank loans. At the end of 2007, TH Group had interest-bearing liabilities  
in the amount of EUR 34.3 million.                                              

Cash flow / Satama                                                              

Cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 2.1 million (EUR -0.6       
million). Cash flow from investments amounted to EUR -19.9 million (EUR -2.8    
million) and cash flow from financing amounted to EUR 34.4 (EUR 0.7 million).   

The investments mostly involved the acquisition of TH Oy. The acquisition cost  
of TH Oy amounted to EUR 74.7 million, of which EUR 10.2 million was allocated  
in intangible assets with a limited useful life and EUR 9.6 million was         
allocated in trade name with indefinite useful life.                            

The acquisition generated goodwill in the amount of EUR 43.7 million. The cash  
flow effect from the acquisition was EUR 26.9 million. The rest of the          
investments mainly involved the replacement of IT hardware.                     

The divestment of Dutch operations had a positive impact in cash flow from      
investments amounting to EUR 7.9 million.                                       

The biggest item influencing the cash flow from financing was the EUR 34.0      
million bank loan withdrawn for the acquisition of TH Oy.                       

Comments on TH Group's cash flow                                                

The combined company's cash flow and ability to make profit will improve        
significantly. The pro forma cash flow of the combined company was EUR 8.3      
million in 2007.                                                                

Other risks                                                                     

As TH Group operates primarily within the euro zone, there are no substantial   
exchange rate fluctuation risks. A bad debt provision, which is booked on the   
basis of ageing and case-specific risk analyses, covers risks to accounts       

AUTHORIZATIONS BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                        

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to decide on a     
share issue, which may be either liable to charge or free of charge, including  
issuing of new shares and the transfer of own shares possibly in the company's  

Under the authorization, the Board of Directors has a right to decide on an     
issue of option rights and other special rights that entitle, against payment,  
to receive new shares or shares possibly in the company's possession.           

With these authorizations related to share issue and/or issue of special rights,
whether on one or on several occasions, a maximum of 8,000,000 new shares may be
issued and/or own shares possessed by the company may be transferred, which     
corresponds to approximately 19.4% of the issued and outstanding shares of the  
company before the merger.                                                      

The Board of Directors is otherwise authorized to decide on all terms regarding 
the share issue and issue of special rights, including the right to also decide 
on a directed share issue and a directed issue of special rights. Shareholders' 
pre-emptive subscription rights can be deviated from, provided that there is    
significant financial reason for the company to do so. The authorization is,    
however, not to be used for incentive schemes for the personnel.                

The authorizations shall remain in force until 30 June 2008. The authorizations 
had not been exercised on 31 December 2007.                                     

The Annual General Meeting also authorized the Board of Directors to decide on  
the repurchase of the company's own shares. The shares could be acquired for the
value decided by the Board of Directors, which value is based on the fair value 
at the time of the acquisition as determined in public trading. Own shares may  
be acquired only with non-restricted equity.                                    

Under the authorization, whether on one or on several occasions, a maximum of   
4,000,000 own shares, which corresponds to approximately 9.7% of the issued and 
outstanding shares of the company before the merger, may be acquired.           

The Board of Directors is otherwise authorized to decide on all conditions      
related to the acquisition of own shares, including the manner of acquisition of
shares. The authorization does not exclude the right of the Board of Directors  
to decide on a directed acquisition of own shares as well, if there is          
significant financial reason for the company to do so.                          

The authorization shall remain in force until 30 June 2008. The authorization   
had not been exercised on 31 December 2007.                                     


At the end of the year, the Group employed 400 people (Trainers' House 56       
people, Satama 313 people and Ignis 31 people), of whom 391 were located in     

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

Appointed by the previous Annual General Meeting, Satama's Board of Directors   
has included the following persons: Aarne Aktan (Chairman), Manne Airaksinen,   
Timo Everi, Jari Sarasvuo, Petteri Terho and Matti Vikkula. In connection with  
the merger, the members of Satama's Board of Directors continued on the Board of
Trainers' House Plc except for Jari Sarasvuo, who was appointed as the combined 
company's CEO. In accordance with the decision of the Extraordinary General     
Meeting, Kai Seikku became an independent member of the company's Board of      
Directors on 31 December 2007. Mr. Seikku had previously acted as a member of   
the Board of TH Oy.                                                             

ACTING MANAGEMENT                                                               

As of 31 December 2007, Jari Sarasvuo has acted as the CEO of Trainers' House   
Plc. In 2007, Jarmo Lönnfors acted as the CEO of Satama and Vesa Honkanen as the
CEO of TH Oy. Both continue as the company's Managing Directors.                

SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                        

At the end of 2007, Trainer's House Plc had issued 74,577,375 shares including  
7,217,171 own shares acquired in the merger. The company's registered share     
capital amounted to EUR 866,941.67. Satama's share capital increased by a total 
of EUR 7,883.81 during the period under review, as a result of subscriptions    
made on account of the 2003B warrants issued under the personnel's option       
programme. The total number of new shares subscribed for was 375,000.           

The company's shares have been listed on the Nordic Stock Exchange (OMX,        
Helsinki) since 2000. Until 28 December 2007, the company's shares were listed  
under the name Satama Interactive Plc (SAI1V) and as of 31 December 2007 under  
the name Trainers' House Plc (TRH1V).                                           

PERSONNEL OPTION PROGRAMMES                                                     

Trainers' House Plc has two option programmes for its personnel, included in the
personnel's commitment and incentive scheme.                                    

The Annual General Meeting held on 26 March 2003 decided to commence an employee
option programme involving 2,000,000 warrants. Due to the resulting             
subscriptions, the company's share capital can rise by a maximum of EUR         
42,046.98 and the number of shares by a maximum of 2,000,000. One million of the
warrants are titled 2003B and the other million 2003C. The subscription price   
for shares converted under the 2003B warrant is EUR 0.36. The share subscription
period ended on 1 February 2007. The subscription price for shares converted    
under the 2003C warrant is EUR 1.11. The share subscription period ended on 1   
February 2008.                                                                  

The Annual General Meeting held on 29 March 2006 decided to commence an employee
option programme involving 2,000,000 warrants. Due to the resulting             
subscriptions, the share capital of Trainers' House Plc may increase by a       
maximum of EUR 42,046.98 and the number of shares by a maximum of 2,000,000.    
Half of the warrants are titled 2006A and the other half 2006B. The subscription
period for shares converted under the 2006A warrant is to begin on a date       
determined by the Board of Directors after publication of the interim report for
the second quarter of 2008, but not later than on 1 September 2008, and to end  
on 28 February 2009. The subscription period for the shares converted under the 
2006B warrant is to begin on a date determined by the Board of Directors after  
publication of the interim report for the second quarter of 2009, but not later 
than on 1 September 2009, and end on 28 February 2010.                          

The subscription price for shares converted under the 2006A warrant is EUR 1.02,
and for shares converted under the 2006B warrant EUR 1.17.                      

CHANGES IN OWNERSHIP                                                            

In 2007, the company became aware of 15 notices of change in ownership exceeding
the disclosure threshold. The company's share capital changed considerably in   
connection with the merger with Trainers' House and Satama on 31 December 2007. 
Notices of change in ownership exceeding the disclosure threshold and an        
up-to-date list of owners are available on the company's website at                                                               

Jari Sarasvuo and Isildur Oy, a company controlled by Mr. Sarasvuo own a total  
of 32.3% of the outstanding shares and votes in the combined company. The       
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority has granted an exemption to Jari        
Sarasvuo and Isildur Oy regarding the obligation to present a mandatory         
redemption offer concerning Satama. The terms and conditions of the exemption   
require that the combined shareholding of Mr. Sarasvuo and Isildur Oy in Satama 
will decline to 30% or under within one (1) year from the date that the new     
shares have been registered.                                                    


At the end of 2007, the parent company's distributable assets amount to EUR 39.4
million. The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a   
dividend of EUR 0.04 per share be paid for 2007, total EUR 2.7 million with the 
share capital of the time of the Annual General Meeting.                        

NOTES REGARDING THE FIGURES                                                     

The financial statements bulletin was compiled in accordance with the revenue   
recognition and valuation principles of the International Financial Reporting   
Standards. Financial information for 2006 has been adjusted to comply with the  
new accounting principles applied to media services as explained above.         
Trainers' House Group divested the Dutch operations during 2007. The figures for
2006 have been adjusted to correspond with the continuing and discontinued      
operations. The financial statement bulletin does not include all the           
requirements of IAS 34 due to the short table format.                           

Amendments to and interpretations of published standards, as well as the new    
standards effective as of 1 January 2007 are presented in detail in the         
Financial Statements for 2006. Adoption of the standards did not cause any such 
impact on the accounting principles applied to the financial statements that    
would have called for retroactive changes to previous years' figures.           

In producing these Financial Statements, Trainers' House has applied the same   
accounting principles for key figures as in its Financial Statements for 2006.  
The calculation of key figures is described on page 76 of the Annual Report     

The figures given in the financial statements bulletin are unaudited.           

INCOME STATEMENT, IFRS (kEUR)                                                   

                               Group      Group      Group      Group           
                             01.10.-    01.10.-    01.01.-    01.01.-           
                            31.12.07   31.12.06   31.12.07   31.12.06           
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                                           
Net sales                      8,161      8,583     29,989     28,395           

Other income from operations      50         11         61        175           

Materials and services           957      1,202      3,437      3,582           
expenses                       4,814      5,353     18,663     18,729           
Depreciation                     186        154        713        643           
Other operating expenses       1,530      1,258      5,116      5,429           

Operating profit/loss            724        628      2,119        187           

Financial income and expenses   -268          8       -259         15           
Share from profit/loss of                                                       
associated companies            -103         -6       -103         -4           

Profit/loss before tax           353        630      1,758        198           

Tax                            3,593*)     -237*)    3,082*)     -147*)         

Profit/loss for the period                                                      
Continuing operations          3,947        392      4,839         51           

Discontinued operations        3,352        153      3,822         32           

Profit/loss for the period     7,299        546      8,661         83           

Attributable to equity holders                                                  
of the parent company          7,299        546      8,661         83           

Earnings per share as calculated from the profit                                
attributable to shareholders of the parent company:                             
Undiluted earnings/share (EUR),                                                 
Continuing operations           0.10       0.01       0.12       0.00           
Diluted earnings/share (EUR),                                                   
Continuing operations           0.09       0.01       0.12       0.00           

*) The tax included in the income statement is deferred.                        

BALANCE SHEET, IFRS (kEUR)                                                      
                                               Group            Group           
                                            31.12.07         31.12.06           
Non-current assets                                                              
Tangible assets                                1,706            1,591           
Goodwill                                      52,467            9,953           
Other intangible assets                       20,162              148           
Other financial assets                           230               43           
Other receivables                                 24              160           
Deferred tax receivables                       9,149            5,689           
Total non-current assets                      83,738           17,583           

Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                       15                            
Accounts receivable and other receivables     11,690           12,150           
Cash and cash equivalents                     17,120              547           
Total current assets                          28,824           12,697           

Total assets                                 112,562           30,280           

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company                     
Share capital                                    867              859           
Share issue                                      256                            
Premium fund                                  13,228           13,101           
Translation differences                           -2               -1           
Distributable non-restricted equity fund      31,348                            
Retained earnings                             16,551            7,704           
Total shareholders' equity                    62,247           21,663           

Long-term liabilities                                                           
Deferred tax liabilities                       5,739                            
Other long-term liabilities                   34,012              373           

Accounts payable and other liabilities        10,563            8,245           

Total liabilities                             50,314            8,618           

Total shareholders' equity and liabilities   112,562           30,280           

                                               Group            Group           
                                             01.01.-          01.01.-           
                                            31.12.07         31.12.06           

Profit/loss for the period                     8,661               83           
Adjustments to profit/loss for the period     -5,854            1,151           
Change in working capital                       -366           -1,918           
Financial items                                 -315               43           
Cash flow from operations                      2,127             -640           

Investments in subsidiaries                  -26,858                            
Divestment of subsidiaries                     7,857                            
Investments in tangible and                                                     
intangible assets                               -751           -2,368           
Capital gains on other investments              -187                            
Change in the additional trade price                             -424           
Cash flow from investments                   -19,939           -2,792           

Share issue subject to charges                   391              345           
Repurchase of own shares                                         -103           
Own shares used in purchase of shares                             103           
Increase/decrease in long-term loans          33,639              298           
Increase/decreas in short-term loans             219               62           
Increase/decrease in long-term receivables       136               -3           
Cash flow from financing                      34,385              703           

Change in cash and cash equivalents           16,573           -2,729           
Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents     547            3,276           
Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents  17,120              547           

CHANGE IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (kEUR)                                           
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company                     

                                            Trans-  table                       
                                            lation  non-re-                     
                    Share    Share Premium  diffe- stricted  Retained           
                    capital  issue  fund    rence   equity   earnings Total     
Equity 01/01/2006   843      14     12,792    -1             7,545   21,193     
Stock options used   16     -14        308                              310     
Payments                                                        40       40     
Repurchase of own shares                                       -67      -67     
Use of own shares                                              103      103     
Profit/loss for the period                                      83       83     
Equity 31/12/2006   859             13,101    -1             7,704   21,663     

Equity 01/01/2007   859             13,101    -1             7,704   21,663     
Translation differences                       -1                         -1     
Stock options used    8     256        127                              391     
Payments                                                       185      185     
of Trainers' House                                  31,348           31,348     
Profit/loss for the period                                   8,661    8,661     
Equity 31/12/2007   867     256     13,228    -2    31,348  16,551   62,247     

PERSONNEL                                      Group            Group           
                                              01.01-           01.01-           
                                            31.12.07         31.12.06           

Average number of personnel                      369              370           
Personnel at the end of the period               400              366           

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (kEUR)  Group            Group           
                                            31.12.07         31.12.06           

Collaterals and contingent liabilities                                          
given for own commitments                      4,144            5,752           

OTHER KEY FIGURES                              Group            Group           
                                            31.12.07         31.12.06           

Equity-to-assets ratio (%)                      56.0             71.9           
Shareholders' equity/share (EUR)                0.92             0.53           

Helsinki, 26 February 2008                                                      

TRAINERS' HOUSE PLC                                                             

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

For more information, please contact:                                           
Jari Sarasvuo, CEO, tel. +358 (0)500 665 666                                    
Mirkka Vikström, CFO, tel. +358 (0)050 376 1115                                 

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Prominent media sources                                                 - Investors