Greater Dallas Chamber Presents Corporate Immigration Enforcement Forum

DALLAS, March 11, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Companies are continually facing immigration enforcement and compliance issues by the Department of Homeland Security. The uncertain immigration environment is leaving employers asking how to manage I-9 Audits, how to navigate the new worksite enforcement landscape and how to process a "No-Match" letter from the Social Security Administration.

On April 9, 2008, the Honorable Julie L. Myers, Assistant Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will give a keynote address on current enforcement trends for ICE. With No-Match regulations pending approval in the next few weeks, the Honorable Myers will discuss the current enforcement priorities and strategies, ICE's plan for enforcement tools for No-Match regulations and the agency's position on the enforcement environment. Myers will be speaking at the Greater Dallas Chamber's International Business Council's Corporate Immigration Enforcement Forum.

"Since April 2006, when ICE began a new initiative to target employers engaged in the use of unauthorized workers, criminal prosecutions have jumped to over 863 cases in FY 2007. Criminal cases will likely increase again this year and Ms. Myers' visit to Dallas will be a first-hand opportunity for employers to hear where and how ICE will be focusing its enforcement strategy and how employers will be impacted by the new SSA No-Match regulations in 2008," says Steven M. Ladik, Partner, Berry Appleman & Leiden, LLP.

An expert panel will address how to ensure your company is following the correct hiring and record-keeping procedures, and the economic impact of these proposed rule changes for ICE. Panelists include David P. Berry, Partner, Berry Appleman & Leiden, LLP and Pia Orrenius, Senior Economist & Policy Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The moderator will be Steven M. Ladik, Partner, Berry Appleman & Leiden, LLP.

Sponsored by Berry Appleman & Leiden, LLP, the event will be held at the Rosewood Crescent Hotel (400 Crescent Court, Dallas TX, 75201) from 11:30 AM to 2:15 PM. The cost to attend is $45 for International Business Council Investors, $55 for Chamber Members, and $65 for Non Members. Table sponsorships are still available for $700.

For more information please contact Jane Edson at or 215-712-1937.

The Greater Dallas Chamber's International Business Council's mission is to unite and engage the international business community of North Texas and promote the region's global growth.

The Greater Dallas Chamber logo is available at

(Note to Editors: For photo/interview opportunities or to RSVP to this event please contact Jo Trizila at 214-746-6690)

